Graveyard Reflection

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 On a bright, sunny day, I

 Found myself walking in a

Graveyard, slowly pondering

Every row of grey stones.

Faded names chiselled with care.

Echoing the life that once

Breathed above the cold earth,

And I tried to imagine

Every story that lay underneath.

Looming before me was the

Truth that I would one day

Be nothing more than a

Fading name on a crumbling stone,

And this truth puzzled me,

Amazed me, and I felt small.

All their dreams, careful plans,

Lay buried in their bones,

The sound of their laughter

Never to be heard again,

Threads once so bright now

At their dull end forever.

And I left that graveyard

A little older, a bit wiser.

Ready to live my every day

As though it were my last,

Determined to imbed myself

In the memories of others

So I might yet escape

Being wiped away by time.

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