Im sorry what?

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Toms pov:

Ugh (y/n) had been on my mind all day! Everyone already knows I like her... I think? I don't know! Ugh! I can't even focus on my video because it's so bad! I'll just play some pubg and try to get my mind off of her.

Unis pov:
I ran into the office as fast as I could. I can't believe I slept so late I'm so stupid! At least it was a good dream... Cory and I were sitting on a nice little hill looking at the ocean at night with all the pretty lights and then he proposed to me! I can't believe I dreamt that! "Uni! Stop daydreaming or else you'll run into a poll!" "Author?!?! You said not to break the fourth wall!" "Yeah, Dawn already broke it and I'm currently trying to fix it but I didn't want you to hurt yourself." "Awwwww thanks author!" "Whatever bye! Be careful! Make good choices! And make Tom jealous!" "I'm sorry what?" "Bye!" "Ok that was weird... oh hey I'm at the doors!" I ran inside and saw (y/n) and Cory on the floor. "Hey guys..."

Cory's pov:
Oh no unis here! Time to hide forever! "Hey Uni whats up? I have recording to do so I gotta go!" "Ok Cory?" "Yep bye!!!" I literally jumped through the doorway and shut it. I know I look weird bur I can't let them know I like him!

Jons pov:
I heard so much yelling today I could be deaf. Anyways I was just playing some good old block game when Dawn ran in my room. "H-hey Dawn." "Hey Jon, I have a question." "Ok?" "If you like someone and they heard you say it should you tell them or no?" "I-i mean I guess?" Oh god is it me? I think it is. Unless he's lying. "Jon..." "yes?" "W-will you..." oh my god he's stuttering! It's so cute!! Oh god my face is burning up! Why is he on one knee is he proposing!?! No he can't we haven't even gone out yet! "Jon." "Huh sorry." "I-it's fine but umm will you go on a date with me?" Awwww he's blushing! "S-sure!" "Really?!?" "Yes!" "Yay!!!!" He stood up and jumped on me. I think it was a hug? "Jon..." "hmmm?" I looked up and Dawn was kissing me?!?!? I didn't know what to do so I kissed back and let me tell you sparks fly!

Hey lovelies!!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while and sorry this chapter was mostly Dawn, Jon and Uni.

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