Part 7

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"We were having coffee one night, you and I. You had asked me what my favorite color was, which didn't really make any sense, but I answered anyway. I was thinking, 'Maybe everyone asks this on the first or second date?' We were having a good time, just you and I, talking about the random est of things. That is, until you reached for your cup of decaf coffee.

When you reached to the side of the table for your cup, I saw the marks on your wrist. When I went for my cup of chai tea a short while later, my sleeve got pulled up, revealing my marks for you to see. They matched. But they weren't what you would think they were. Neither of us were clean in that aspect of the marks, but the marks we saw on the inside of each other's wrists weren't the marks you're thinking of. On the inside of my wrist was a small heart with an arrow pierced through the side. Yours was a heart of the same size as well, but instead of an arrow, it has wings jutting out from the sides of the heart."

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