Bang Bang

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Then it was all silent. All I could hear was a bunch of foot steps coming down. I look at will.

Holding a gun "ready" he whisper. I nodded. Taking a gun out of my back pocket. I tried to call JB but I didn't have a signal.

I look at baby girl surrounded by big guys holding Machine guns. She look tough not blink.

Then the door went down guns started to explode. Time went slowly. Guns wearing black and in masks. Kept on shooting

Guys kept on falling down. One by one. I took clover behind the bar. I took about 5 guys. One of the mask guys hit Joey in the chest. I took the guy out.

Then it finally went silent. I put my head up and the guys in masks were down including will. I quickly went to him. I was holding the bullet wound.

"Don't worry dude I got you" I said with my shaking voice. "Haha remember when we first tried weed.... and you dare me to run around the school naked" I nodded. "Yeah and you dare me to kiss Ms. K" he laughed weakly.

"That was crazy. Love u man...." and that he went away. I closed his eyes and went to Joey. "Your such an A**hole" I said. "F**k you and you dumb friends" he said.

I hit him hard in the face with my gun. I ran upstairs some of the people were dead. I look through them. I ran upstairs to check it out. Until I hand reach my shoulder and I quickly twisted it before they could get me.

"Sorry Sorry" I let go. "Jen?" She looked up "morgen. Thank goodness your good" I quickly hug her. "And the girls" I looked around.

"Got them out. They're with JB at the house" she said holding her arm. "K let's get the f**k out of here"

As soon as we got there Kelly jumped on me and hug me. Spin her around and whisper in her ear. "Let's go f**ken home"


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