The boy from the shop opposite

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Ray looks over at his 21 year old best friend and roommate Michael and rolls his eyes. "Dude, you gotta stop staring!" He says, frustrated. He's had to take all of the customers they've had because Michael is busy watching the 18 year old boy who works in the opposite shop as he stacks shelves full of CDs and DVDs. The boys name is Gavin and Michael has been in love with the poor kid since he first saw him 5 months ago. Michael turns his head towards Ray slightly without looking away from Gavin. "I swear that boy does stuff to me, Ray." He says and Ray rolls his eyes. "I know, Michael, I know how he makes your heart do flippy things and he makes you stutter and blush and when he comes into the shop your heart starts beating rapidly and his accent is the most amazing thing you've ever heard and its how you imagine angels would sound. I know that you're basically in love with him. I know!" Ray says, happy for his friend yet annoyed at having heard this a million times. Michael blushes just as Gavin walks through the door and over to the counter where the two boys are. "Alright, Lads?" He asks and Ray nods, continuing with his work, while Michael just stares at Gavin. "Micool?" Gavin asks and Michael smiles, the tips of his ears bright red. "I'm alright, Gavvy." He says as Gavin leans on the counter looking into Michaels eyes.

"You on a break?" Michael asks and Gavin shakes his head. "No, but stacking cds is so boring, I'd much rather be over here talking to you." He says and Michael smiles. Ray rolls his eyes as the two of them continue to flirt and joke with each other, God they just need to make out and be done with it.

Around 5 minutes after Gavin came over to the shop his coworker and best friend walks in, looking slightly pissed off. "B! What the bloody hell are you doing you twat? You're not on a break. You wanna get fired?" He asks, cutting Michael off mid sentence, and Gavin sighs. "B, we're in the middle of a conversation!" Gavin protests but Dan just grabs his hand and pulls him away from Michael. Michael frowns, Dan has always disliked him and he always tries to stop him and Gavin talking, but not today. Michael built up the small amount of courage he had and, after a roll of the eyes but an encouraging nod from Ray, he jumped the counter and caught up with Gav and Dan near the entrance of the empty shop. "Wait up, Gav?" Michael calls and Gavin stops walking and turns to Michael, smiling slightly. Michael glances at Gavins hand in Dans and takes a deep breath, he'd give anything for that to be his hand. "I really wanna finish this conversation... You wanna go out, like, after work or something?" Michael asks, immediately regretting it because he sounds like a twat. Gavin must have understood what he was trying to say because he smiles brightly. "Are you asking me out, Micool?" He asks grinning and Michael takes a deep breath. "Yeah." He says, more confident than he thought he'd sound. "I thought you'd never ask." Gavin says, reaching up to peck Michaels cheek. "I'll pick you up at 8?" Michael asks and Gavin nods, biting his lip, just before Dan pulls him away, looking incredibly pissed off.

Michaels POV

I reach a hand up to my cheek, touching gently where Gavin kissed me as I watch him walk away, Dan ranting about something to him, probably how he doesn't think going out with me is a good idea. I can practically hear Ray rolling his eyes so I turn around and walk back over to the counter, ready for whatever joke Ray makes. "About fucking time, it's been literally 5 months!" Ray says before smiling slightly. "But seriously, I'm happy for you." He adds and I smile, getting back to work.

I can't wait until the end of my shift and when it finally arrives, I basically run out the shop and to my car, speeding home to get ready.I call Gavins favourite restaurant to make a reservation before I jump in the shower, clean my teeth and spray myself with a cologne that Gav bought for me a few weeks ago for my birthday. I put on some underwear and black skinny jeans before spraying deodorant and slipping on a black long sleeved shirt and black tie, along with the minecraft diamond necklace I got for myself and Gavin, which I hide under my shirt. I look in the mirror and smile, I look alright, my freckles aren't too obvious on my face and I don't look that bad. My curly hair is slightly messy but I know Gavin likes it like this. I check the time and see that its 7:45, which means I better get going.

The boy from the shop opposite (Mavin one shot)Where stories live. Discover now