Chapter 2

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Hey sorry I havnt updated! Just got wifi back from the hurricane

Connor looks at you. "Good luck in senior year!" He says. He turns to Zoe and smiles. "Good luck in junior year!" He pulls you two into a group hug and you see a kid with glasses walk off. Connor turns to him, then back at you guys.

"I'll see you later!" He says. He turns to the boy. "Hey Kleinman!" 

"Hes still treating us like his kids." Zoe said.

"He just cares about us!" You say. You turn to Connor whos talking to the other kid, looking embarrassed.

"That kids kinda cute.." You say, thinking Zoe can't hear you.

"JARED?!" She shouts. "HIM?!"

"Y-Yeah!" You say.

"Oh yeah Evans ex that probably hates Evan now?" Zoe replies.

"O-Oh.." You say. "Nevermind then!"

You and Zoe walk into the building and immediately almost get trampled. After the crowd passes, you notice one of your best friends walking to your other. They finally meet up and hug. You decide to join in on the party.

"Michael!" You shout. "Jeremy!"

They look over and smile. You run up and they give you a hug. You look at Michaels face, which is red. He looks like hes been laughing and smiling a lot, so his face went red.

"I missed you guys!" You say. "Its been boring without you!"

Michael nods and smiles.

The doors burst open, letting in a quick cool breeze. The halls go silent and you see Michael roll his eyes. You turn and see the three people you didn't want to see this year. You look at the girls in red, green, and yellow. MacNamara, Duke, And Chandler. Heather C scans the room and her eyes land on you.

"Helloooo, slut!" Heather C says. 

You roll your eyes. "I still don't know what makes you think I'm a slut!" You say. Heather giggles and steps forward.

"You hang out with all these guys so I imagine you must have some experience with "doing it"!" She says. You smile as you make up a come back.

"Sorry Heather!" You say. "But I'm taken. I'm not sure I can "do it" with you." Heathers eyes widen and her jaw drops. She steps forward and slaps you. You step back.

"I'm not trying to pick a fight I'm just stating the honest truth!" You say, smiling.


You step into the gym room and sigh. Yay.. Your favorite class of all time. You probably had no friends in that class. You barely ever get classes with your friends! And if you do its one friend your not good friends with, and theres always the bully. You shake your head, knocking all the thoughts out. You walk into the girls dressing room and see girls in underwear and bras. You walk past them and walk into a shower to change. You take off your everyday clothes and then put your gym clothes on. A white shirt with black gym shorts. You walk out and see a familiar looking girl. You see a phone in her hand, and the screen is facing you. It turns on when her thumb got close to the home button. You smile and see a picture of her and you.

"Nice lock screen!" You say. You watch as she rolls her eyes and looks at it.

"Stupid Iphones.. So sensative." She says.

"Nah don't worry. That wallpaper is pretty cool!" You say.

She fineally looks up at you. She realizes who you are and she smiles.

"(Y/N)!" She says. "I saw you got slapped by Heather C today.."

"Yeah. I don't know why she needs to pick on me all the time."

"Well thats just the Heathers."

"So Veronica." You say. "You seen any of our friends today?"

"Well I saw Michael and Jeremy!" She said.

"Same!" You say, starting to head out with Veronica.

You notice 3 girls in the gym room that are never there.

"Oh yeah and I saw our best friends the Heathers!" Veronica says sarcastically.

The gym teacher walks in the gym room. She looks awfully familiar, though.

"Evans mom is a gym coach?" Veronica says.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2017 ⏰

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