Chapter 7 (Grell)

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The night sky fell over the towns but in the land where the reapers worked it was still rather early

"Grell Sutcliff" William sighed

"Present" Grell grind widely

"You will be investigating the souls and reaping said souls of Sky Spirithive's assumed past" William glared "don't mess it up"

"Oh William, why are you so cruel as to not believe in me" Grell wined

"Just stay on task" William sighed

"Of corse I will, I'll reap those soul's like no ones business" Grell smirked

"Grell, I have faith but your roommate has brought concerns to my attention, when you report back you and I need to have a chat. Now off you go" William sighed looking back to the register

"Yes Sir" Grell sighed running off

"Isino Ootpri"

Grell ran across the roofs and looked at his paper

"Let's see, there should be a house right about-"

Grell fell off the roof and landed into a pool of water

"Well they said it was a flood" Grell chuckled looking around

Grell Dover under and saw the house

"Dear oh dead" Grell smirked swimming in

Grell looked around and saw the dead people

"Let's take a look" Grell said slashing open each of the cinematic records

"I see, that must be baby Sky, looks a tad like Ceil as a fact" Grell laughed

Grell looked over them and sighed

"Nothing important, sorry about this" Grell smirked reaping the souls all in one

"Time to get out of here" Grell smirked swimming out of the house and climbing out of the water

"Oh goodness" Grell gasped collapsing to his knees

"I should finish this up quickly" Grell
Sighed standing up

"Let's see"

Grell looked over and paper and saw one more name

"Just another person" Grell smiled running down the road

Grell turned the corner and saw a man dead in the street

The man was slumped to the wall covered in forks and knifes

"My my, looks like Sebastian's work but this must be part or Sky Spirithives past if it really is on her part" Grell smirked slowly opening the Cinematic record

Grell quickly concluded that he was to die and reaped the soul quickly

Grell started running off on the rooftop and felt faint

Grell slowed down and held his head

"Oh dear, when I get back I'm going strait to bed. I need a rest" Grell chucked walking along

Grell was a fast runner and made it back to the reaper head quarters quickly

Grell walked inside and saw William waiting patiently

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