part 9

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Starts with pragya feeling jealous. ..
A:i have an idea
T:what is it abhi
A:since my concert is on farewell ..can we include dance
T:nice idea
M:superb. ..but i don’t know to dance
P:no problem i will teach you …keeping hand on his…abhi fumes..
A:but…you have to handle the arrangements
P:i can manage both..
They all continued for some time…
P:ok its Time…i have to go to temple…mohan can u drop me
M:sorry cutie ..i have to go to exhibition
T:can i join with u mohan
Monu went
Pragya left without seeing abhi..
Abhi was already fuming …went and drag her and made her set in the car..pragya was shocked..
Abhi started to move…and noticed hear not wearing set belt…
Abhi came near pargya and put the setbelt…pragya’s heart beat fastened…abhi noticed it and smiled. ..then they reached the temple…
They went and prayed…
Pandithu:are u both husband and wife…
A:yes ..seeing pragya who is still in show..
Pa:then kept this kumkum it will make ur bound strong…
Abhi keeps kumkum in her head…later abhi dropped pragya in home and left…

Pragya entered. .tanu saw the kumkum and asked her…but she went to her room…tanu was shouting…
Purab came and explained about pragya’s marriage. ..tanu was first angry but happy for het sister…
At abhi was thinking about pragya and realised he LOVE her…but want to know wheater she have feeling for him….or i should make her love me…
Both slept thinking about each other and slept..
Days passed ….all the pair become more close..abhigya…rabul…monu..alidhu…

On the concert
All attended the ….abhi rocked the floor…
Then dance…all the pair it is abhigya …they did not practice. ..and even know they are going to perform. .it was planned by rabul…
Pragya and abhi came to the stage..both were in blue lehanga with free t shirt and a rock star. …sun satiya…song starts to play…they share eyelock..standing in opposite. ..came close …abhi gave his hand …they started to was passionate and romantic…

Every one clapped ..pragya went to gardern and was thinking about dance.. and realised she LOVE him…that time a group of girls came and bad mouthed her and said u r not fit to be with him…and he will not love u..
Pragya went home crying not informing any one…abhi was searching her and found she went home…he called her but she did not attend. ..
Both thinking of each other (kumkum bhagya sad bgm plays)

Months passed. ..pragya did not speak to he send dadi to her home with a plan…dadi came to pragya’s home
D:why are u upset beta
P:nothing something serious
D:it is exams are coming abhi did not study ..can u help him
P:kk dadi..with hesitation

Evening 8pm..
Both went to abhi’s house…she went to his room …and saw abhi sleeping cute..she went near …was about to touched him..but remembered the girls voice and moved away..
P:abhi wake up dadi said to teach you for the exams..
Abhi woke up and saw her…he was mesmerised she was wearin white shade saree..he with blue..sandle.. (as in cover)….she was not facing him…he was disappointed
Abhi came close to her and said why r u avoiding me…..this my plan to meet u love me or not…
Pragya remember the words and and said
P:no and never…but her were expressing her love …she was about to move when he held her both hands…..
A:do u not love me…than why now u heart if beating fast…
And went more close to her hears and said…I LOVE U PRAGYA….
pragya was shocked…she hug him and said I LOVE U TOO ABHI..
A:can u say it again…
They both were about kiss…dadi came…
They moved away
D:when u r going to start studying
A:but dadi it is our plan..
D:no..u both should study…dadi leaves..
They start studying. …
Every day she came to teach him…exams got over..It was results…..every one where in abhi’s house. .results come….abhigya topped the college…dadi gave sweets to all…abhigya was in a corner…they feed each other…screan freeze on their happy faces…

Thanku again…..please comment. .

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