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It is a five letter word

It scares me into the night

I'm afraid to fall asleep

Will I awake in the morning?

No, don't fall asleep

Don't close my eyes

But then all I see is darkness

Did my eyes shut forever

By the time I awake I wasn't in my room

I was in this white glowing space

Where am I?

What happened?

Where is my bed?

Are those gates?

They were golden like the sun

"Hello" You would hear me say

This man came up to me

He said I was going to Heaven

Oh no did my fear really happen

Did I really fall asleep forever

Wake up

Get up

Don't close your eyes

Keep them open

I start to scream

My mother walks in

Thank God it was only just a dream

It is a five letter word

The word is run by the man in the black robe

Oh no is it Death?

The world may never know.

FearOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora