Chapter 2:

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Phoenix smiled and almost squealed with excitement. They were going to get out, she was going to see the world, she might become a hero.

"Um... I-I don't know..."

"Well, for starters, do you want to bring others along?" Raven suggested, he knew what he was doing, it seemed.

"Between two and six people, not including us. Whoever can be the most helpful."

"I can ask about everybody that's here. It's not like they're a secret around here really."

"That's a start," Phoenix sighed while sitting back onto the ground and crossing her legs. Raven walked out of the room to go start the plan.

They were actually going to escape.


Raven came back into the room with a grin on his face, he ruffled his dark hair and sat down in front of her. He stretched his arms and his wings slid free and started to molt. Midnight blue feathers contrasted with the polished white tile floors.

"I got them!"

"All of them?" Raven nodded. "Tell me everything."

"You already know about Echolaena and Jett... There's Ezmae, she can pull things out of her body and they act like knives, only... they're her bones. There's Vic, who's a pretty good friend of mine, he reads and controls minds. Azaraiah can kill people just by thinking about it. Xander can warp reality to anything he desires.

"Then come the freaky sets of twins. Macy and Maura scare me the most, they can each control two of the 'four' main elements, and the elements are always in sync. They don't even have to talk to each other. Kai and Tony can tap into witchery and black magic, but only when they're together. Finally, we got Persephone and Percy, Persephone can manipulate sound and Percy and manipulate light."

"That's... too many people... I... We can't leave all of them here, can we? I can't choose... They'd all be really useful."

"I mean, if we're all willing then I suppose we could all go, but you know, that's a lot of people to look after. Especially with their powers and such."

"That's a yes, I am willing. We can't let them live the rest of their lives in here... You never told me side effects. We need to take that into account as well."

"Ezmae's are obvious, the bones. Xander's mind gets warped every time he manipulates reality. Once Vic reads someone's mind, he can't get their voice out of his head, their inner thoughts consuming his mind. Azaraiah's life gets shortened by one month every time she kills someone.

"Maura and Macy have the others' powers growing on them. Maura has vines growing out of her wrists, ankles, and eyes. Macy can't breathe, her sister keeps her alive by circulating the air... Tony and Kai sell a bit of their souls to the devil after every spell. Persephone is blind and Percy is deaf."

Phoenix didn't even have to say anything, she knew Raven could tell how horrified she was at the side effects.

"Pretty bad, I know."

"But we're still taking all of them."

"Okay, you can come with me tomorrow if you want to meet everyone and go over the plan."

"Sounds great."


It was the first time Phoenix went anywhere in a week. It felt sacred to her, even though it wasn't much of anything. She stayed close to Raven for fear of getting lost in the facility that was at least ten times bigger than her previous house, which was the biggest house in the slums of Norae.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2017 ⏰

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