Ch. 5 our little secret

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James POV

"A-anabell I i'm so sorry..." That's all I could think of to say to her. I mean she talked out of the blue! all I could think to do was to hold her as she cried.

"J-James p-please stay j-just for tonight..." She pleaded as she calmed down. i smiled "I'm not going anywhere sweetheart" I said as I patted her head. "So princess what do you want to eat?" I asked getting up to go to the kitchen. "I don't have anything in there; for dinner I mean." She said following me.

"well melady" I said sitting her on the counter, " i'll find something so don't worry~"

Annabell's POV

'Im glad he's staying I don't think I can trust myself alone.' I watch him searching my kitchen almost flipping it upside down. "Well I didn't find any dinner ingredients wanna just order a pizza?" He asked standing in front of me. i blushed slightly "y-yeah s-sure" I handed him the phone. He smiles and takes it. As the phone is ringing I try to distract myself from looking at him. 'What's wrong with me?!?! Not that long ago I didn't even know this dude so why am I acting like this?' "Annabell?" I felt someone shake me. "Annbell? you ok?" He was smiling. "Why are you smiling?" I asks hoping off of the counter. " You talked to me. I thought I would never hear your voice."

I smiled "me neither... I honestly almost forgot what I sounded like"

The Jock and the Marine's broken daughterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora