is it goodbye or is it try again

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Sean's pov

"go get her," she said, I ran after her, she was sitting down, I swear she has a bump....she can't be pregnant, It can't be my baby.... "Jordyn?" I asked her, "what?" she asked, "Are you pregnant?" I asked, she looked at me...and nodded Shamefully....

she grabbed me, "I'm so sorry" she sobbed into my shoulder.


I looked at her...."Jordyn...we need a break, I know it's been a year but you need to see someone else, say mark, I'm sure he will take you, just for a little while, I do honestly love you, it's just we need to see other people, we need to...." I said

Jordyn's pov

I nodded, "good luck with Serenity, she loves you" I said walking away, I sat down, Mark hugged me, Amy dumped him, "I know you don't want to be with me, that's fine we can just be fr-" I kissed him, I looked over at sean...he smiled and grabbed Serenity's hand, 


Mark lay in bed with me, I cried, like I sobbed, "I could have been better mark, I'm pregnant....I haven't told him....but I'm pregnant....."

Serenity- me and Sean broke up....just saying

Sean- seren, leave her alone....

Mark- guys, she needs time....

Serenity- but she's broken without you sean


I cried, Mark left, mum came in, "I'm pregnant mum," I said to her, she hugged me, I went to Starbucks on my own, I saw Savannah, "How is everything?" she asked, "I'm pregnant Savannah," I said to her, "who's the father?" she asked me, "Sean Mcloughlin...the thing is...we broke up"

"Do you want to get back with him?" she asked me, "I don't Know Savannah, I mean, I love him, it's just that...." I stopped, "you're afraid he's going to hate the baby, aren't you?" she asked me, I nodded, "right, let's have a party tonight, invite everyone, I'll invite you but you come later...okay?"

so Savannah invited everyone over to her house

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so Savannah invited everyone over to her house.... I was waiting in my car, I was so nervous....

Sean's pov

so Savannah invited us over, "So How's Jordyn?" I asked Mark, "we split up," he said, Poor guy...well not really because I forced him to date her, the door knocked, "you didn't invite anyone else did you Savannah?" Serenity asked she went "Hey Jordyn come in, we're all in the lounge!" she sat down.... she hugged mark, totally ignoring me....

Jordyn's pov

so the lights turned off...

Savannah- talk to him....were outside

Jordyn- this wasn't part of the plan

Savannah- I devised one with Serenity and mark

the lights turned back on.... Sean looking at me, "I hate them" I muttered, " look nice by the way" he said, I smiled, " do you" I said, he's totally drunk.... he grabbed me, "Sean...I can't....I don't want this, Okay...I don't want to be with anyone, I don't want a relationship, I DON'T WANT THIS BABY!" I blurted out realising what I said and covering my mouth.

"FINALLY, YOU SAID WHAT YOU FELT!" Serenity screamed, " all knew about this?" I asked them, "Not me," Sean said, "yeah...Savannah hatched it, to try and get you to just to talk again because were sick and tired of this fake two love each other we can see it, you do" Mark said, I fumbled my fingers, and I looked at Sean, he smiled.

they left, we didn't speak for half an hour.... I changed and got out.... "Jordyn" sean said, "Yeah?" I asked, "I love you," he said, I Huffed, "I love you too," I said, "Stay....with me," he said, "Are you sure?" I asked, he pulled me in for a hug, "I mean it....stay tonight...we can have a movie night, just us...and the baby" he said.

so I changed....

Sean just wore some joggers and a loose t-shirt, we got the blankets and watched Netflix, with some popcorn and the baby, "I'm sorry" he said, I looked at him and grabbed his hand, "I know

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Sean just wore some joggers and a loose t-shirt, we got the blankets and watched Netflix, with some popcorn and the baby, "I'm sorry" he said, I looked at him and grabbed his hand, "I know...I know you are, I'm sorry too" I said, I pressed pause...and we kissed, Savannah came down, she smiled and I looked at her, "I told you, I'd do it" she said, we kissed again.

trying again.

I'm doing it this time...he's my boyfriend, I love him, I'm an ass for being this way....

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