Meeting Younger Self (Adrien)

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Quick heads up because there are going to be 2 version of both Marinette/Ladybug and Adrien/Cat Noir in this story to make it easer Marinette/Ladybug and Adrien/Cat Noir from the future will have a "2" next to them and the younger ones will have a "1" next to them this will happen if 2 of the same characters are in the same scene. The same can be said for Tikki and Plagg

Cat Noir jumped across Paris roof tops to his own house. He looked and saw people just walking around going about their normal days, Cat Noir smiled but he had to get back to the mission soon he found himself on The Agreste Mansion Roof wear he heard his younger self and Nathalie talking about his schedule. He sat on the roof thinking of his first date with Marinette. 


Adrien took hold of Marinette's hand as they made their way to the top of The Eiffel Tower. Marinette grasp as her Boyfriend show her a table with a full cook meal overlooking Paris from the top of The Eiffer Tower. Marinette gave a passionate Kiss to Adrien "I Love You" "I Love You Too Mari" The rest of the date was a wonderful night full of love and laughs. 


Cat Noir laughed to himself as he through of those best times with Marinette he also heard Nooroo crying in Hawk Moth lair "Don't worry Nooroo your be free soon" just then he heard Nathalie leave Adrien 1 room, Adrien 1 went into the bathroom and Cat Noir 2 went into Adrien 1 room waiting for his younger self to come out of the bathroom.  

A few minutes later Adrien 1 came out with a shock look on his face "Stay back Copycat" Cat Noir 2 walked towards Adrien 1 who walked back to the window "Adrien I'm on your side I'm going to reveal myself ok" Adrien 1 nodded as he did not know what to say, he watch as Cat Noir 2 became Adrien Agreste 2 "Hi" Adrien 2 wave at his younger self, Adrien 1 fainted. Adrien 2 picked up his younger self and lay him on his bed he then waited to him to wake up but seeing how he was on a time limit he went to the fridge got out a piece of Camembert and went to his younger self and put it up to his nose at that moment Adrien 1 woke up and saw Adrien 2 and two Plaggs "Ha, Ha very funny" Plagg 1 ate the Camembert "So can you tell me why there is another version of me and Plagg in my room?" Adrien 2 and Plagg 2 looked at each other and nodded to each other "You and Plagg need to sit down" Plagg 1 sat on Adrien 1 shoulder. 

"Me and Plagg are from the future, in the future Hawk Moth wins, gets mine and Ladybug's Miraculous and turns Europe into his empire. We do get Plagg and Tikki back but by then the dammed can not be undone" "So you know who Ladybug is" "If is mean being Naked in her bed with her then yes" Plagg 2 said 

Adrien 1 eyes shot up, "Me and Ladybug had sex" "Yes and it was amazing" 

Plagg 1 could only listen in shock but he wanted to know who was his arch emery had had his friend hostage. 

"So who is Ladybug? And do you know who Hawk Moth is?" Adrien 1 asked "Ladybug is Marinette" Adrien 1 could not believe it the love of his life was also his crush "And Hawk Moth is Father" Adrien and Plagg 1 looked at each other with shocked looks on their faces Adrien was shocked that his own Father was his arch emery and Plagg was shocked that he had Nooroo against his will and wanted to use him and Tikki for pure evil. 

"We need to go to Marinette's" Adrien 1 said "But what are we going to do about Father?" "Don't worry everything is going to be OK". 

A/N: Adrien and Plagg now know about Ladybug and Hawk Moth Identity. 

Next Chapter: Marinette and Alya meet Ladybug. 

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