Part 1

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The sun shone in through the cafe window, illuminating the room with perfectly golden light, blinding my eyes. I stood twirling my long dark brown to auburn ombre locks around my index finger, annoyed beyond compare. Here I was stuck inside on a sunny Saturday afternoon when most normal teenagers my age were probably still sleeping.

Although coffee was a passion of mine I was sick of explaining to people what a cappuccino contained and dealing with snobs who couldn't stand the coffee being ten minutes old. All I focused my attention on in moments like this was keeping my baby, a black 95 ford mustang gt, on the road.

The jingle of the door snapped me out of my daydream and back to my job.

"Hi, what'd ya like?" I asked, not caring to look up at the person who had just walked in.

"Hmmm" the customer hummed under their breath, taking a few seconds to decide.

"Please, take all day." I sarcastically remarked. Patience was not something I had achieved being a cashier and frankly I was just sick of this job. Unfortunately I couldn't quit, or get fired at that matter because my dads best friend owns the shop and he adores me to pieces. To this day I have no idea why, seeing as I can be quite... well quite the 17 year old girl and even more sassy than most but he's never got rid of me.

"I'll have a vente coffee, hot and bitter just like you." A low, rough voice retorted back.

My eyes shot up from my twisted hair to the dark eyes of the stranger staring back in front of me. My eyebrows raised in shock at the sarcasm spat back at me. Although I should've been offended I just stood, lips pursed and eyed him up.

His jaw was bold and his cheek bones matched, resting high and defined on his faintly, stubble littered cheeks. His eyes were dark and alluring creating a stare that you couldn't escape. His hair was medium length, enough to run your hands through and as dark as his eyes. Comparing my height to his, I estimated him to be around 6 feet, whereas I stood at 5 feet 6 inches . The only thing about him that didn't match the rough, bad boy look were his lips. They were the softest pink and looked like they'd feel like heaven

Okay, he was hot. And not just attractive but the kind of boy you'd want to tie you to a bed. Pretty much irresistible.

"Sometime today would be nice." the deep voice said again.

"Yeah uh sorry, that'll be $2.05." I replied. I could barely believe that someone had just been more audacious to me than I was. I had to admit, his demanding manner made me hot all over.

Hurriedly pouring him a cup of coffee, I placed it in front of him with the receipt.

"Have a nice day!" I said, giving him a cheeky smile and fake enthusiasm. Yes he was hot but nobody was allowed to be more smug than me.

"Not without your number though of course."

Hesitation caught me and I cautiously thought over his request. This wasn't the first time I had been asked for my number and in most cases it was flat out denial but something about him, the way he was so assertive, made me consider it.

He stared at me as I thought over my decision. It wasn't longer than a minute but I felt his eyes begin to memorize my face. Secretly I prayed he wasn't a serial killer.

"Fine." I finally replied, scribbling my number on the back of his receipt. "Now will you leave?"

"Sure thing babe, see ya at seven." He said casually, turning on his heels towards the door.

"Uh what?" I questioned out loud. "Why would you see me at seven?"

"For our date. I don't just take a pretty girls number for nothing." He said smoothly, making my cheeks flush at the compliment. "Text me your address, I'll be there 5 to seven." At that, he walked out the door and I watched as he mounted a motorbike and sped away.

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