Chapter 7

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(Above is Zach)

School is getting tougher by the moment but I can't concentrate on anything, everything seems to be a blur compared to the rest of the issues floating on my mind. Lizzy told me she was developing a crush on Zach, however Zach told me he had a crush on some nerd called Becky. I didn't have the heart to tell either of them about it but I knew it would come to that sooner or later, it was my duty as a friend.

But most of all, geography was my favourite lesson. He could have been a moron but every time I looked at his beautiful eyes, I went a little light headed, like I had gone to space and back. I admitted this to myself because there was no point in pretending anymore. Apart from in class, I sat in between the lads and kept my head down, as little questions answered and as little questioned asked.

Just being in the same environment was enough for me, I know he had the occasional glances at me, Lizzy always nudged me when it happened. As soon as Connor left my house that night I rang her up and told her everything.

The arguing? He loved her? who? When would he leave? It got me all tangled thinking of this, I tried bringing the subject up but every time I spoke about him to Sissy she would change subject or run away or chew her food, she was hiding something.

Ding Ding Ding

I collected my books ready to leave, sometimes it overwhelmed me and I needed fresh air.

"Bela, may I please see you after lesson" Mu eyes widened, and my heart skipped a beat. I heard a few groans from the sluts and a few "why her" "urgg"

I just looked at him and nodded.

Lizzy gave me a big hug and said she would text me right away, whilst the guys all gave me hugs too, mike was last and he placed a kiss on my cheeks. He cared about me the most and I was the luckiest person to have him as a friend.

An intense feeling like someone was watching creeped on me, when Mike left I saw Connor staring at us, his jaw clenched.

It was me and him.

"Yes Mr Smith?" I asked politely, staying as further away as possible from him. Not that it worked very well, he came closer and grabbed a seat in front of me.

"Bela, I feel like you're not participating at all in class, you don't even look up from you book to read the board, if you need to switch classes we can sort that out but I can't have you lacking in geography"

I was astonished leave the classroom, what about my friends? No thank you.

"No no.. It's not you.. It's just.. Urm.. I find the subject hard and.. Well I don't want to contribute and get it wrong." I looked away, that was half true, who am I kidding geography was one of my strongest subjects, but I couldn't let him know that I couldn't bring myself to look at him.

"Why didn't you say so, I'll be more than happy to help you on a one to one basis Bela"

"I don't think that's necessary"

"Don't be silly you're a family friend, and that's what you do for friends. So how about I come to your house tonight and we can get started on that practice exam paper?" He smiled looking genuinely concerned for my well-being.

"Urm sure, don't see why not." I had about a billion reasons why not.

I picked the rest of my stuff and left the room, only to hear him sigh.

Later that night, I was in my room getting ready when I came downstairs no one was there anymore, I saw a note on the counter that said;

'Bela, dad is still at work an will be only back Sunday. Me and Sissy have gone to look at apartments out of town and won't be back till Sunday as well, you behave yourself now." I was confused why they didn't just tell me but I do remember pretending to be asleep when mum walked in, I didn't really feel like talking.

One entire day to myself, and tonight! I can order pizza and ice cream and more piz..

Half way through my train of thought the door bell rang, I wonder who that could be.

I opened the door and much to my shock it was Connor, he was wearing black jeans, with a white top tight in all the right places, a leather jacket, a box of pizza in his hand and a load of books in the other.

"Who's ready to study?" He grinned, my face still in shock as I forgot our little session, I let him in still confused and he made himself comfortable on our couch.

"I completely forgot I'm so sorry" I sheepishly said "It's fine, I'm here now though aren't I?" He smirked and I plopped myself on the couch next to him, we talked and did three exams papers, he was surprised at how good I was. We talked and laughed and ate. Like we have been friends forever.

I woke up and it was 3am, my neck was aching and I realised I was on the couch, must have fallen asleep, much to my surprise I heard a snore from Connor, his legs were tangled with mine on the sofa, the hairs on his arms stood though, I could tell he was cold. I slowly tapped him, "Connor come upstairs your cold and awkwardly sleeping" his eyes were open slightly but he just nodded and followed me up the stairs, "No ones home till Sunday so go sleep in Sissy's room." I explained whilst I left him in front of sissy's room and made way to mine, undoing my jeans and taking my top off I heard someone in my room, turning around Connor was there half naked yawning, his eye squinted as he jumped in my bed. I didn't take notice, he was half asleep anyway.

I took a little slower to get dressed then normal, somehow I thought showing him how grown up I was now was a good idea. Putting my pj's on I got into bed with him, he soon grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer.

We laid there my head on his chest, it was like camp all over again. "You sure like to tease" I heard in a light whisper and then I was fast asleep.

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