Part 3

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What have we done to deserve this? True we supported Britain in the War for America's future, a move we have deeply regretted, but what other choice did we have? Not even your great and courageous ancestors thought they could win the struggle for freedom they so desperately sought. We were afraid for our children, our homes, and our future. We didn't know who to turn too. I ask, wouldn't you have done the same?

Yet America did indeed, against all odds, declare victory over the British, and set out to building a new nation of hope, peace, freedom, and compassion, as the Great Christian God so adamantly directs. Tired of the injustices of the British, the American people championed the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all, and we the Cherokee thought that we were to be punished, and rightly so, for joining alongside such a corrupt and abusive nation as that of the English.

However, to our surprise, and deepest gratitude, the American Nation found instead that making peace with the Cherokee was best and chose to let the past stay in the past, focusing instead on love and friendship, seeking to work together towards a brighter future. If the intention was to punish us for taking the side of the British in the war, why were such grievances not acted upon at the time? Why would you wait till now?

Letter From A Desperate CherokeeWhere stories live. Discover now