Among the Ashes

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Dear anybody who reads this,

I will not be addressing this letter to anybody. Not to Naruto, not to Sakura or Kurenai or Neji or anybody. Not because I am lazy, but because this letter is meant for anyone and anybody. There is no one it is meant for. So if you want to read it then go ahead, if you don't want to read then don't. 

I will not be telling you my name until the very end. But right now I will tell you my story, our story. The story of how we rose from among the ashes and how we fell from the ashes.

Scratch that. It's mostly me who fell. Not we.

You may be asking why I am doing this. Why am I writing a letter no one will bother to read? Why am I wasting my time on such a stupid and troublesome thing?

It's because I'm not strong, but . . .

Nor am I weak.

I know what you're thinking. Why? How? That is impossible. You cannot be strong and weak at the same time. There is no in between. There is no grey zone when it comes to the weak and the strong. You cannot be both weak and strong, you're either one or the other.

In some aspects I am strong and in others I am weak.


Why am I doing this?

Why am I writing this?

My head hurts. My eyes are red and puffy. I want to go home. But there is no such thing as home.

Some people think of home as the place where the people you love are. When you're with the people you love.

That is not true.

For there is no such thing as home. It is something that humanity has created out of boredom. You could have a million houses but none of them will be your home. For the earth is your home. Not a house and certainly not people.

I'm getting off topic aren't I? I should get back to my first point.

My story.

We fought long and hard on the battle field. Neji died because of me. Not because of Sakura or the man who killed him. But because of me.

He died to save me.

Why am I putting all the blame for his death on myself when it was clearly Sakura's fault for not healing him good enough you ask. It's because it's the cold hard truth. It is and always will be my fault.

Naruto is dead because of me. Kurenai is dead because of me. Sakura is dead because me. Neji is dead because of me.

Everyone is dead because of me. Everyone died from a deadly virus, everyone but me. I couldn't save them I couldn't help them.

I was helpless. I was weak.

I needed to be stronger. Why wasn't I at least smarter? If I was smarter or stronger then maybe just maybe I could've helped them.

Why God? Why do you love to torture me? Did I do something wrong? Will you ever tell me why you do the things you do?

Probably not.

Why why is this happening? Why can't anything good come out of my life. Why is there nothing but darkness?

I want to see the light. I want to witness happiness once more.

I want to be free.

Why oh why are you doing this to me? Please god please tell me why? Why did you take a way everyone I loved?

The world is so empty. There is only few of us humans left.

I want to be with them.

The world is growing little by little. It's rising up from the ashes.

It doesn't need me anymore.

And now nothing is holding me back.

That is why I have decided that my leaving will not affect anybody.

So it is okay for me to leave. For me to die.

This is my suicide note. This is my goodbye.

Naruto, Neji, Sakura, everyone, I am coming. Soon I will see you again.

From among the ashes I will fall. This is my fall.

From yours truly,
Hinata Hyūga.


Yourfav-Shayla I wasn't planning on doing your contest, but I got an idea for it and decided to write it. So here ya go.



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