Don't Mess With The Wrong Lily.

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  • Dedicated to The Quinn's (And Copeland!)

Dumbfounded I just stood there. What the hell just happened?! I kissed him! I mean, what the fuck?! I shook the crazy reasons out of my head and came up with only one suggestion which, no matter how weird it might sound, It was the only possible reason. I must've been thrown at a wall, rolled down the stairs and kicked across a football pitch as a baby, this would somehow make a default in my brain and sometimes my brain would stop with it's cleverness and let the dumb part in... A few minutes ago was that part. It didn't make sense, did it? I know, it was that or either that I'm falling for him... Which is virtually impossible, right? I shrugged all of that craziness off and walked up the stairs, going to change into some clean clothes.

I pulled on some jeggings and a 'Sleeping with the Sirens' top. Don't blame me, they're freaking epic. I went into my ensuite and quickly washed my hair. Drying it off I heard the TV go one... Full volume. I danced as I heard a catchy guitar and drum beat. I had no clue of what the song was called or who it was by but I liked it. I looked into the mirror, smiled and walked downstairs again.

Jumping all around the living room was Alex and all of You Me At Six. Max, Matt and Chris had their crazy air guitars going whilst the others just jumped and freaked around the room. I laughed and joined in. I watched the TV... Josh appeared on the screen. What? I stopped dancing as Matt, Max, Chris and Dan appeard on the screen. The song ended and Josh turned down the video. "So, what did you think?" Josh asked, smirking. I really had no clue what I thought. Now, five minutes ago or even a week ago. But if you asked me three weeks ago- now that's a different story. I stuck my tongue out at him. He eyed my top. "Sleeping with the sirens?" He asked as I nodded.

"It's a band, dumbass." I replied bitterly whilst rolling my eyes. Dan looked from me to Josh- trying to figure out what would happen. So did the others.

"What a stupid name!" Josh laughed. "Why the fuck would you want to be called 'sleeping with the sirens?"

I had to clench my fist tight. So tight it was going pale and would probably stop my circulation. "Why the fuck would you want to be called You Me At FUCKING six, HEY?!" I exploded. Too many emotions have creeped up on me and this is how I get rid of them. "YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHY THE FUCK SO WHY DON'T YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I FUCKING MAKE YOU?! CAUSE YOU KNOW WHAT?! I AM FED UP WITH YOU BEING MR COCKY AND HAVING NO RESPECT TOWARDS GIRLS! THE WAY YOU LEAD-SINGERS JUST GIRLS FOR YOUR OWN EMOTIONS! SO YOU CAN CHANGE OR GET THE FUCK OUT!" I screemed and ran towards my room. It would make no sense to him, to any of them- not even Dan. But to Alex it would. And maybe she'd tell them. But I don't need their sympathy. I don't need anything from them or from anyone for that matter. I am Lily. And this Lily doesn't need any help.

Ten minutes later I heard talking and laughing. I forced my eyes shut. Why does my past have to creep up on me when I don't want it to? I bit my lip, tasting the tangy liquid. "Open up." I heard a voice. I refused to. "I'll barge in if I have too." I put my ear closer to the door. It was Chris. I opened the door and he came and sat next to me, back against the door. "We don't know what happend but..." Chris swallowed hard. "All I'm trying to say is... Okay... I'm rubbish at this advice giving stuff so... If you ever want to just hang out to get your mind off things you can always come to me." I looked up to him. "Besides, Josh can be a prick... But that's only if you believe the facade." I gave him a confused look. He just stood up and walked out of the door.

I put in some head phones and listened to 'Sleeping With The Sirens'.

Facade? What did he mean by that? I mean, am I the only human that doesn't like him? Yes, he has great eyes, amazing hair, kissable lips which are really- WAIT. What the fuck am I doing? Here comes the emotion train- full of different feelings. I have no idea anymore of who I am. Who am I? I have no clue. Yes, I'm Lily but... This isn't me. None of this is. So why am I acting like this?

Sometimes you gotta fall before you fly...

I sucked in a breath and made my way over to the frames all around my room. Pictures of me with my mum, my friends... We're laughing. Ones where I look stupid and ones where I looke beautiful. But in every single picture there's a smile on my face and a spark in my eye...So what happened to that Lily? How did I just disappear? Or is this me now? Is this who I really am? I fell to the floor. I have no idea anymore. I looked at the clock. Perfect...I still had time. I grabbed a bag and put in jogging shorts and a tank top. I then pulled on some trainers and stuck some deoderant into the bag. I smiled and pulled my IPod and phone into my pocket. I walked downstairs and they all looked at me. I walked over to the mirror and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I looked at Alex. "I'm going to Reece's. I'll be back around... Ten?" I asked, unsure. Besides, if I did finnish before that time, what would I do? I shrugged and walked to my car, ignoring the stares.

I went into the Gym and started punching the bag. I put my headphones in, played my favourite songs on full volume and blanked out the world as I released my anger out. My knuckles started to hurt a while later, but I didn't care. I don't care if they bleed, I thought, I need to let this out.

I plumped to the ground worn out. Worn out, emotionless, blank and exhausted from the long work out and all of the mixutre of feelings. I sat up and stopped my Ipod and looked up. Great, I really didn't want to see him. "How long have you been watching?" I huffed.

He smiled. "Sometime." He came and sat next to me. "You know, I'm so glad you didn't punch my face in." I laughed. He looked up and saw that he made me smile. "So... Sleeping with Sirens, eh? I'm gonna have to listen to them."

I nodded. "Yeah, it'll be different from your cooky kind of rockstar stuff." He laughed and smiled showing his teeth.

"My kind of cooky kind of rockstar stuff?" He laughed. "Yeah... Well... I'm always up for trying something new. How about you?" I had no clue where he was going with this. "You show me your life and I'll show you mine. Like... Beauty and the Geek. They go and do the other persons things. You never know, we might have something or nothing in common.." He sighed. "All I am trying to say is... I'm tired of fighting Lily."

I nodded. "Alright."

But did I really believe he was being nice? Since when does Josh Franceschi play nice? Never. He just wants to use me. Well I am sorry sonny boy, but I am not falling for your tricks. I learnt the lyrics by All American Rejects the hard way and I'm not falling for all of that again... After all, Breakin's what your hearts for...

Short & rubbish but it's the best I could come up with. My minds blank...Sorry. But erm... Check out the song on the side... It's Sleeping With The Sirens;) It's called Do it now, remember it later. Oh, and Congratulations to Kellin Quinn (the lead singer) and his wife (called Katelynn) who's child was born yesterday. Copeland is a lucky daughter to have you as parents. [Yes, I know they will never read this-.- Oh well. It's how I conratulate people.] -Charlie

(Follow me on instagram...'Cause you love meeeeeh^.^ CharlieFlinteschi is maaah name;D)

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