Chapter Four

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"You actually tolerate her now?!" Ashlie asked in disbelief at not only to Cory but Tommy as well.

"She is really trying to get us out of here Ash, do you really want to stay here for the rest of your life?" Tommy commented.

"Well not really the rest of our lives, Tom" Cory added as Tommy gave a nod of realization.

"Right, let me rephrase, would you rather stay here long enough and be brainwashed by Dr. Miles?" Ashlie scoffed as she placed her palm onto her chin in dismay.


"Ashlie, we're all willing to give her a chance. Why are you so against her?" Uni asked unsure why she was so offended by Dr. Gen's existence.

"I don't trust her because Cory doesn't recognize her. If he did then maybe I would go easy on her. Depending on what he saw for her." Ashlie stated, Cory gave a heavy sigh.

"It's upsetting for me too Ash, I don't recognize her but then again, I don't recognize a lot of patients here either in any of the visions I've had." Cory pointed out.

"Yeah and we don't really chat with them do we? So why trust her of all people we don't have a good grasp of who she could be. We don't know what type of person she could appear as. She is an enigma, and I'm not exactly okay with that." Ashlie stated crossing her arms looking away from the others.

"Ashlie what happened to you always giving the benefit of the doubt you were never this cynical." Nick commented, Ashlie turned to Nick giving a heavy sigh.

"I know but I really don't trust her, I wish Cory knew her to some degree, but he didn't. This is his first time ever meeting the woman. So I'm sorry but I can't help but be hesitant to believe her words." Ashlie stated looking down, she isn't always so distrusting yet Gen made every signal in her brain go off in such a way that it was warning her, telling her to keep away. It honestly hurt being this mean to a woman she knew nothing about.

"Ashlie... Maybe try comparing the two Doctors first?" Dawn suggested.

"They are too completely different beings but with their like goal of discharging patients. But their methods of doing so are completely different, try comparing them and see which one you would rather help." Jon stated, Ashlie looked at Jon groaning in annoyance as she droped her face onto the table.

"Jon is right at least think about that..." Dawn muttered, Ashlie looked up towards Dawn.

"I'll think about it... So Dawn you figure out who was the likelier one to go back home?" Dawn nodded as he turned his Laptop to show Ashlie. She frowned at the credible source but still unable to believe it.

"Me..." Ashlie asked unsure what to make of this.

"You're the least attached to the whole alternate universe thing we are. All of our issues involves creation but yours doesn't it's more instinct based and and much easier to manage" Dawn answered looking at Nick whose posture was now relaxed and leaning against the his seat.

"Quite honestly it astounds me, that you out of all of us is likelier to be out of here. But then again I can't really say anything about since you don't really suffer too much from your issue." Zres stated looking at Ashlie who frowned at the male.

"I guess looking back at how I was before, I suppose I have improved... But still that doesn't mean she has helped me!"

"Ash, that means you will be free you can go back home and see your family, finally be with Ross again." Cory stated, a sad expression on his face. Ashlie stared at the male for a second only for realization to click in her head. She'll be able to be with her loved ones, and her friends still have to wait for their time to be free. It was victory her former self would have loved but now that she sat here with the news. It felt bitter.

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