Chapter 1

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It was a dreadful Monday morning when my alarm blared from my crappy iPhone's speakers notifying me it was officially time to wake up and get ready for school. I rolled over and turned my alarm on snooze. I just needed five more minutes and I'd be good to go. But unfortunately for my lucky self my sister came barging in and ripped the blankets off my unclothed body. I knew she regretted that moments after. She should have known by now that I tended to sleep naked. This wasn't the only time one of my sisters had done that. It was common.

"Seriously Louis!" Lottie yelled covering her ice blue eyes. "You really need to start putting clothes on when you sleep for purposes like this! I hope grandmum does this to you one day and it'll teach you a lesson." Lottie finished. I chuckled and grabbed one of my sheets off the floor and wrapped it around my waist.

"Maybe it'll teach you not to disturb me in the mornings while I try to sleep for five more minutes. Next time knock, that's what the door is for." I said while I started to shove Lottie out. She didn't budge though. Just stood there in front of the doorway like her feet were glued to the floor.

"Are you going to leave so I can take a shower, or are you going to stay and watch me do that too? We have school in thirty minutes so it'd be nice of you to leave." I grumbled, still trying to push her out. She scrunched up her nose and it looked like she had something to tell me.

"I came in here for a reason, but I've forgotten. Seeing your naked body not only blinded me, but it also blanked out my mind. So I guess I'll leave." Lottie finally said and walked out. I rolled my eyes and shut my door and made sure to lock it. I would do this at night, but unfortunately my mum and dad decided to check on me during the night to see if I sneak out or not. And if it's locked I'll be in trouble. So I only lock it during the mornings and when I get home from school to be alone.

I went around my room and dug out my black skinny jeans that were in a messy pile by my bed. I then went into my closet and pulled out a grey jumper that I had just recently bought. It's always cold or rainy out, so it was an easy decision to pick out what to wear. Next thing I did was start up the shower I was going to take, and as I waited for it to warm up, I packed up my football gear.

Shirt, sweats and shorts, cleats, football, and socks. After I did that I quickly jumped into the shower only having twenty minutes left to get ready. Once I was out and dressed, I did my hair, or tried to. It didn't really work out, so I just threw on my red beanie I normally wear anyways. I brushed my teeth and with ten minutes to spare I ate a bowl of cereal.

"Glad to see you up and eating breakfast. You normally skip breakfast cause you'd just be getting out of bed ten minutes ago." My mum said walking into the kitchen in her baby blue robe. I smiled with a mouthful of cereal at her and nodded.

"Well you can thank Lottie for that. She barged into my room and ripped the blankets off me. Only except she made the same mistake you and everyone else in this house has made and saw me in the nude." I laughed remembering the facial expression she had had on when she saw me like that.

"God Lou, you're really going to need to start sleeping with clothes on. No one needs to see you naked every morning." My mum chuckled. I laughed again. She's made that mistake plenty of times herself. "No but really please try to sleep with clothes one."

"I've tried and it's so uncomfortable. I feel free without any clothes on. You should try it one day."

"I have, it's called when your father and I-"

"Alright I think that's my queue to leave." I laughed covering my hears so I wouldn't hear the rest. "I'll see you after school." I gave my mum a quick kiss on the cheek and left out of the house with my car keys in hand.

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