The Beginning of Marvin

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*Marvins POV* (He's 13 years old in this chapter)
I lay awake at night sometimes wondering what magic i'll learn tomorrow at Magic school.. "Maybe i'll learn how to make someone levitate! or even better, DISAPPEAR! but, that means that Circe will-" i say seeing mum walk into my room "Come on, Marvin.. you need to sleep, you have a big day tomorrow! remember?" she asks me "of course, It's my 14th birthday, how could I forget! but.." "What's wrong hun?" mum asks me "Circe's gonna be at school tomorrow though" i say, sniffeling "It's okay, If he does anything, do one of your magic tricks to him!" she sais giggling "Okay, I will" i say laughing with her "goodnight mum, Love you!" i call to her as she walks to her room "Love ya too, my little magic man" I here her fade away and i find it hard to get to sleep, but eventually I do

"Where am I?" i ask myself  "Don't you know?" a familiar voice says to me "Who are you?" i ask "Why, Marvin... Its Circe" he says and he makes levitate into the air "I really hope you like cake"  he says to me "Well, Why wouldn't I?" "Because its about to be the food you despise" he tells me while shoving the worst tasting cake down my throat making me gag and cough.. after he's done I pass out and wake up shortly after in a plain white room "Your awake" Circe says to me "What? Where am I! LET ME GO!" i scream "Okay, goodbye!" he says pulling a lever that sends me falling to my death, but just before I hit the ground, everything goes black and I wake up

I wake up from that horrible dream crying and running into my mums room, next door to mine "Hey mum, c-can I sleep i-in here.. p-lease?" i ask her and she sits up asking me whats wrong "Circe killed me and.. and-" i say being cut off by mum hugging me "shhh, don't worry, he wont hurt you, Its okay.. You dont have to go tomorrow if you don't want to" she states "I don't want to go" i say and she laughs "Okay, lets get to sleep"

*timeskip after birthday, going back to school*

"Bye mum! Love you!" i scream to her as I get on the bus "Love you too!" and just as I suspected, Circe is sitting in my usual seat.. great I think to myself as I sit in another seat and as usual, he sit's next to me "Oi" he says to me "Yes Circe" I ask him "Why are you so rude!?" he screams in my ear and I flinch "Wow, so weak he can't even handle me talking to him!" Ofcourse I wouldnt be able to handle Circe screaming into my face, with his bad breath and just everything about him annoys me! I wish i could just knock him out! "What do you want?" I ask him "show me your best magic trick" he says, defensively "Why should i? Your just going to bully me about it" i say to him, thinking to myself, wow, did i actually do that?

"Just show me! Or im telling Mr. Nestor!" He screams in my ear "N-no!" i say, heart beating in my chest as he knocks me unconcious

(New book! Enjoy!)

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