Remembering Blurred Past

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"Red! Sorry I made you wait." Seven year old Green Oak waved from across the street with enthusiasm, making sure that he had look left and right to make sure that it was safe to cross. Clutching the straps of his bag as he made his way over to the raven haired boy.

Red beamed once Green reached his side. Both boys turned wave at Daisy, Green's sister, before they began to walk. Warm smiles etched on their faces.


Three days ago was Red's seventh birthday and they were planning to go kite flying, but the weather didn't allow it but now here they are.

In a clearing with nobody else but them, the sun is shining, the wind is just right and Red's smile makes it perfect.

Green loved to see Red's smile and he wanted to see the other smile a lot more. He wanted to always protect the other. To be always by his side. It's something that he can't explain.

A Mantyke and a Natu styled kite adorned the bright blue couldless sky of pallet town as Red and Green both happily tugging at the strings of their own respective kite.

Until the strings that held Red's Mantyke snapped, the boy gasped and tripped. Falling backward onto the grass.

"Red!" Green exclaimed in a panic, rushing over to the fallen boy.

Red looked up at the Mantyke kite that were floating away from them, both of them watched as the kite fall and lands into a tree.

Red felt tears pricking in the corner of his eyes. That was a present he got from his mother!

Green panicked even more when he saw tears began to cloud Red's eyes, it didn't take long before Red started to sniffle. Pulling the brim of his cap down to cover his face.

Green frowned, he never liked to see Red cry and to think that Red waited forever for him to able to fly that kite. It hasn't even been thirty minutes!

"I'll go get your kite! Play with mine if you want while I go get yours!" Green took Red's hand and made him hold the Natu kite spool, making sure that Red had a firm grip on it.

He then ran to the tree where they had saw the kite fell into. Green gulped. He have a problem with high places but after seeing Red so sad. He was ditermened to get Red's kite back!


'Green...?' The young raven was beginning to felt slightly uneasy when his friend didn't return, nor has Red hear Green's voice after the boy left.

So Red reel in the Natu kite, carefully as not to end up as his Mantyke kite. As soon as the kite is safe on the ground. Red rushes to check up on Green.

Quite literally.

He did say that he'd get Red's kite back, but which tree did it land again?

Red's mental question was answered when he heard Green's voice, something between a gasp and a girly scream.

He tilted his head up, squinting a bit to focus at where the voice came from.

As soon as he sees Green's purple sweatshirt, a look of relief crossed his face. Glad that Green was alright. But he was even more happy when he saw what Green was holding.

"I got your kite!" The auburn haired boy beamed. He was standing on a branch while holding holding onto the smaller ones to keep him balanced.

Red could notice of the cuts on Green's shirt and his cheek, he didn't know if Green has always pale like that or...

That day, Red learned fear.

The happy expression Red had on his face instantly changes, crimson eyes widened in horor.

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