Chapter #6

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Chris's Pov

(Yawn) Can't believe it's already Friday. Two more days, then I can go home. Climbing out of my satin bed sheets, I walked to my iridescent bathroom and took a quick shower before pulling on a pair of maroon slacks, a black shirt and a grey cardigan. Heading to the kitchen, I made myself an omelette with blackberries and some orange juice, then set it aside to go look for my phone. Hmm, I wonder when Yuri is coming, he's making me anxious, I thought to myself.  As I sat down to have my breakfast, I wondered what Victor was doing at that moment. Ever since he started training Yuri, he has improved remarkably, surpassing his high scores and becoming more focused. As beneficial as this partnership is, it makes me wonder how long it will last.


Yuri's Pov

Waking up to the sound of my phone ringing, I searched for it in the partial darkness. When I saw that the caller ID was Victor, I answered it immediately.

"Victor, Hey!!" How's it going?"

"Yuri! Good to hear from you again! Looks like I can come home sooner than I planned. I might be able to take the next flight tomorrow. How does that sound?"

"That sound's great, Victor!! Can't wait!!"

"Excellent! I'll see you then."

Ending the call, I could hardly contain my excitement.

Victor was finally coming back. I knew he hadn't been gone for a full week, but within the months I've already spent with him, how could I not expect to grow attached? The things Victor has taught me, the time he's spent with me; no one else was willing to do that. No one else thought I was worth it, but Victor did. He was the one person I could always count on. Checking the time on my phone, I saw that it was 9.09. 

Crud, Chris must be waiting for me, I better get out of  bed. Taking a shower, I got dressed, brushed my teeth and dashed out of the house. As I rode my bike, my stomach constantly reminded me of how neglected it felt. I wasn't worried, though. I'll just have something when I get to The Conduct. As soon as I was nearby, I hopped off my bike and started walking towards the hotel. Going through similar procedures as before, I made my way to the elevator and pressed number 7. After a short minute, the elevator let me off and I actually got to ring the bell this time.

"Yuri, why didn't you call? I thought you had forgotten about me," Chris told me before letting me in. No hug this time? Chris is showing unusual restraint. I must have spoken  too soon because the instant he closed the door, he held me at arm's length, kissing both of my cheeks. Maybe this greeting is customary, I reasoned to myself. "Nice to see you too Chris, again".
"You look so pale, have you eaten anything?"
"No, not really. I just rushed right over here."
"Well, I'm not gonna let you starve. Wait right here." Saying so, he disappeared into the kitchen. I waited for quite a while before Chris returned, and I wasn't too sure my stomach would hold up much longer.

 At that point, I was pretty sure it was scheming against me for causing such affliction. Before I could check what was keeping Chris for so long, he called me.

"Yuri, can you come help me in the kitchen?"
Turns out he just wanted me to help carry plates of food to the living room. Chris called it 'brunch', I called it mouthwatering. There were burritos, muffins, lemonade, and strawberry parfaits. "I was so glad you could make it,Yuri."
"I am too!! This food is amazing!!" I said in between a muffin. Taking a sip of my drink, I recomposed myself.

"I spoke to Victor, he said he's coming back tomorrow."

"That's good to hear. You should know, I'm also glad you convinced him to start skating again. It really hasn't been the same without him.  And it's especially boring when there aren't adept opponents to compete against. You understand, don't you?" 

Is Chris testing me right now? 

"Are you saying that JJ isn't a challenge?" I asked suspiciously.

"I would never say that!! Who do you think I am? All I'm saying is that, from as far as I can tell, Victor is the only one that has that fire, that wants it bad enough. Good thing he has you under his wing. You may surprise us yet." 

Taking a bite of my parfait, I watched him as he stirred his lemonade with ease. I will surprise you, just you wait.


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