A new job

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I opened my eyes and saw that I was in my room. I blinked a few times to make sure of that. I sat up and rubbed my eyes for a couple seconds. The sun was up. I checked my alarm clock. It was 10:30am. 

'Was all of this a dream? Why can't I remember what happened after I agreed to the deal?' 

 The sight of my scar quickly reminded me that this was reality and that I'd made a pact with the devil. Still processing, I got up and went downstairs, thinking food might help me digest all of that. Amanda was already cooking, and probably had been since early this morning.

"Hi, there! You look  much better. Looks like whatever you had went away easily."

'Yeah, easily.' I thought. "I'm still pretty tired though. And starving."

"I knew you'd say that. I made pancakes!"

"You're awesome. Thanks." I grabbed the plate and started eating. "Tim's not awake yet?"

"He went jogging around the park."

"On a Sunday? He's still mad at me..."

"No, he's worried Petra. It seems that lately you keep getting in trouble. To tell you the truth, I'm concerned too."

"I'm sorry."

I finished eating quickly and went back to my room to grab some clothes and take a shower. My pajamas still smelled like sweat and my sticky skin disgusted me. I went in the bathroom, undressed and turned on the water. Taking a shower had never felt so good. I enjoyed the hot water when someone knocked on the door.

"Petra! Open the door. I need my hairbrush." Said Myra's voice.

"I'll give it to you when I'm done showering."

"But I want it now!"

"Waiting ten minutes isn't going to kill you."

"Come on."

"Myra!"I snapped, exasperated. "I'm not in the mood for petty arguments. Please, just go away."

"Okay, fine. Don't take your frustration out on me."

"Then stop throwing oil on fire."

I heard her leave and got back to shampooing. I sighed loudly. After a good five minute of torturing my hair, I mumbled to myself. 

"Geez. Some days, I wish I was deaf."

"Too bad. You're gonna have to listen."

My heart almost dashed out of my chest. That deep masculine voice I knew all too well sounded like it was ... in the same room. I peeked on the other side of the curtain and my eyes widened in shock. Levi was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, head down with his eyes closed. I felt my blood rush to my head and my face getting uncomfortably hot.

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