Chapter 3

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[hia lovelies I have writes block but I'll try my hardest! here we go enjoy.]


I hurried off to school to find Daniel and the other person that smelled so amazing. I hop in my car and drive a bit faster then I should to school. I was just in time. and the first person I see is Daniel and then the smells hit me. One was coming from Daniel and the other to the guy next to him who I have to admit is gorgeous. I know how can a guy be gorgeous but I mean he is sexy hot and just stunning rolled into one! They both look at me and smile. Daniel waves me over to him and I pretty much have to stop my legs from moving in super speed. "Hello." I say an Daniel gives me the up down look and the other guy just stairs into my eyes, "Hi I'm Jacob." He smiles so brightly and takes my hand in his. I gasp at the tingles that ran up my arms. his smiles grows a bit bigger and I look away blushing. "My names Emma." My heart is beating so fast I think I know which one is my mate.

"Emma can I walk you to your class?" Jacob asked and let go of my hand and I instantly wished he was holing it still. "Um yeah, sure." "Woe no you can't Jacob, you know she's my girl!" Daniel warped his arm around my waist and the tingles started at his touch to and my eyes grew wider. "She's my mate." Jacob says coldly at Daniel and pulls me to his chest and the tingles spread all over my body. "No she's not she's mine!" he grabs me and pulls me back to him. "I can walk myself to my class now let me go!" I say and brush their hands off of me. "Do not pull me around like a ragdoll! we will talk after school. All three of us!" I walk away from them and shake my head. Who do they think they are pulling me around like that!

~Jacobs pov~

"Daniel you know damn well your not her true mate! Just let me talk to her." he shrugged at me. I seen him checking a girl out and her doing the same to him. She walked up and whispered in his ear, "Meet me in the girls locker room in 10 minutes." I could hear her because of my super hearing. Daniel nods his head as an agreement and pats my chest, "Wee can finish this later man I have a hook up in 10 minutes." he smirked and gave me and wink and left to go have sex with the whore. seriously he isn't her mate if he can do that. I sigh and shake my head and try to fined Emma.

I walk through the halls trying to see is I can smell her but nothing. I peek my head out side and look through the parking lot and see her sitting out by the tree out of sight so if a teacher were to look the wouldn't see her. I run over to her, "Hey Emma I'm sorry about earlier that wasn't right and I should have played tugga-war with your body with Daniel." she looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "I don't want to talk about that jerk!" The tears start to pour down her face. "Shh baby don't cry it hurts to see you like this. Why don't you just tell me what happened and I'll try my hardest to make you happy, okay? Sound good?" I cup her face with my hands and wipe away the tears with my thumbs. She nods her head okay and I take a seat next to her.

"I went to my class and remembered that I left my finished homework in my P.E. locker. So I ran down to my locker to get my things and then there's Daniel having sec with some hoe! We are trying to find out which one of you guys are is my mate and he's off fucking some bimbo!" Pull her into my lap and the tingles shoot all over my body each stop that she touched. I started to feel need and want but on top of that love so much love for this one girl that I know nothing about. Just holding her make my heart beat fast.

Her crying as slowly come to a stop and she's fallen asleep in my lap. I rub my hand up and down her as if I'm still comforting her. I kiss the stop of her head and I hear her light a sigh out sounding content.

She finally wakes up about and hour before school end and sits up and looks at me and smiles then she notices she's in my lap. her face reddens and she crawls out of my lap, "I-I'm s-so sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep in your lap." She stutters when she is nervous or embarrassed how cute. I smile and her, "Don't say sorry. I liked having you on me... I finally help warm." I could feel the blush in my cheeks turning my face a light red. She giggles and kisses my cheek. "I think you might be my real mate." she says and shock hits her face. "I'm sorry I can't believe i said that out loud I was thinking it. it's like word vomit I can't stop talking I'm so sorry, is it hot out here or is it just me?" she asked looking at my with big eyes. I chuckle "It's all you babe." I smirk when I see her cheeks hit a darker red. "Can I do something crazy?" She gives me a confused look, "like what?" she raises her left eyebrow. "Well feel free to say no but um yanno can I, perhaps give you a kiss? To see if yanno we are mates and such, of course." She rolls her eyes and take my face into her hands and looks me in the eyes searching for something, but I don't know what. She sighs and let's go, "Fine but that's all you get is a kiss no funny business." I smile brightly as her and she blushes. I place my hand under her chin and bring her face closer to mine. Our lips barely touch and the tingles are already strong. I push my lips firmly to hers and slide my hand to the back of her neck tangle my fingers in her hair. The sparks fly everywhere as I hear her moan in my mouth. She climbs a bit more into my lap.

She climbs all the way into my lap. She breaks the kiss and gets out of my lap. "I'm sorry we should really stop. I just met you and I pretty much was making out with you in your lap. Oh my god does this make me a slut!? But it was my first kiss I don't understand how I go from a first kiss to a slut." By now she is pacing in the grass rambling about how that kiss made her a slut. I don't know how but I figured I would let her rant it out. "Jacob are you even listening!? That was my first kiss EVER and is ended up in your lap! Does that make me a whore!?" I look up at her and chuckle. I stand up and push her against the tree and made her look me in the eyes. She gasped and grabbed my shirt, "You are far from a whore. We are mates I know it for a fact. It was a passionate kiss and I loved every second of it. I loved it because it was shared with you. Now no more calling yourself a whore. I will not hear you call yourself a whore or a slut, because you are beautiful." She starts to let tears fall be fore I could see what was wrong she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. "That was the most perfect thing anyone has ever told me and honestly the best way you could have told me to shut up. Thank you." She hid her face on my neck and shoulder. I felt my body relaxing just by her hugging me. I wrap my arms around her hugging her close to my body. I press us both against the tree. "Hey Emma will you go on a date with me?"

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