Freshman Year: What Are We?

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3 weeks later...
"Come on Addison What's going on? Why aren't you talking to me? You've been ignoring me for the past 3 weeks and it's getting on my nerves" Oliver tells me as he sits down next to me during class I glare at him and then turn back to my notebook where I was trying to doodle before he so very rudely interrupted me *rolls eyes* I know what you're thinking- if we like each other why am I ignoring him? Simple as a girl overwhelmed by feelings I have no clue what to do.... If I date him we'll probably end up breaking up in junior or senior year if we last that long. This whole situation is pretty ridiculous since I barely know him, and same for him about me, but we like each other ?! *sighs and groans* I just don't want to deal with the whole "talk" right now so I've playing the chicken game and ignoring him since "the moment" ... believe me I feel horrible for treating Oliver this way but I just honestly can't talk to him about this right now.

The bell rings just as I finish thinking to myself about all of this. Saved by the bell... a sigh of relief escapes from my mouth . Oliver stops staring at his feet and turns his gaze towards me, and turns red just a little bit red (it's kinda cute- ya know like a tomato? ;) LOL) and smiles at me. He ever so slightly moves his right hand towards my left hand under the desk, I gasp quietly. Our teacher Ms. Jones begins taking attendance for the class. The ever eccentric teacher had yet another new activity for us. As in, another partner activity... with our desk partner...

"Okay- let's do. It's simple- all we have to do is say something we like and don't like about the other person" Oliver explained to me what we had to, give me a break I was distracted alright?

I nod as he opens his mouth again to talk again. He's going first- good I needed time to think of something that would NOT make this whole "thing" even more awkward than it already was.

"What do I like about you? That's easy: the way you grin when you're feeling awkward, the way that you push your hair behind your ears just to give yourself something to do so it looks you're busy, the way you don't care what anyone thinks about you, and most importantly how no matter what happens- you are and always will be the one person that will always be there for your friends. What I don't like about you? The way that at the moment and for the past 21days you have barely said a sentence to me every day in this class and at lunch combined." Oliver tells me seriously and I feel his eyes are on me as I stare at my feet. (we interrupt your not so pleasant reading with a warning: this chapter is probably going to get very sappy, please exit this chapter and story if this type of story is not for you)

After his words process in my mind, I blush and smile at him- just a little but that's all it takes for Oliver to start chuckling. We both knew I was going to have to stop ignoring him at some point. The day is probably not today though (haha nope it will be today this ends). my turn... :/ "What do I like about you? Hmmm...." I draw it out in an attempt to make him nervous and panicked- it worked! "Simple- the way you smile at me when you look at me and think that I don't notice you doing that and how you are always there for me to complain or rant to you about anything at all or how you are one of the most trustworthy people I have ever met" I smile at him, I just can't help it I can't ignore him anymore "As for the thing that I don't like about you? Maybe the fact that you seem to be lacking the ability to give someone some space- you know after a person has ignored and glared at you every single day for the past 21 days?" I try to be serious but I can't- he starts laughing and then so do I. Things were back to normal (well as normal as it could be after a situation like "the moment" happens to a friendship).

Now we were back to square one- what the heck are we? Friends? Crushes? Potential couple? This was the exact constant discussion topic that had been happening in our similar yet separate friend groups for the past 21 days. Everyone was getting tired of this (*insert rolling eye emoji *)

A few hours later at lunch, the awkwardness continues, since it's apparently my problem for ignoring Oliver for the past 3 weeks, but could one blame me for doing so? 

  He had done something quite unexpected, that I had never asked him to do. Of course, Oliver didn't agree with my so-called "reasoning".

Annoyingly, he abruptly comes up to my lunch table while I am in the middle of a conversation with Annie and Olivia. I quietly laughed at some joke that Olivia was telling us, obviously not an actual one but of something ridiculous that her brother had done yet again. 

  "Hey can we talk? Alone, so come with me outside?" Oliver asked me quietly 

  I know what you're thinking- what ?! But our school allows us to have lunch outside from September to March so... ya

"Before you say anything more- I still think that we shouldn't be more than friends. Even if I do have feelings for you..." I tell him seriously

"But so do I... but of course I want us to be more than friends because don't you think it's worth a chance?The chances of us working well together are much higher than us breaking up. Even if we do, we'll still be friends. After all, you will never know about what can happen unless we try" Oliver tells me as we walk around the small outdoor eating area as he tries to hold my hand.

"Oliver, you're great and all but I don't think you understand how terrified I am about all the feelings I have for you... especially not since what happened with Owen... I'm sorry, can we talk about this later? I don't want to make either of us overwhelmed so I should go... bye" 

Without another word, I don't look back. I run straight back into the cafeteria and past my friends, his friends, everyone, and just trying to keep myself from crying... I feel like a jerk... we like each other so much and I just shattered his heart into a million pieces... gosh I'll be so lucky if he's not furious at me after today... I can't help but laugh as I have my backpack under me and I sit on the bathroom floor (what?! bathroom floors are disgusting hush children go back to the story) "Addison, are you okay? Oliver told us we should come see what happened to you..." Annie asks me as Olivia comes in behind her 

"I look ridiculous, don't I? Now, come on help me up this is actually pathetic" I can't help but laugh through my pitiful tears and they both reach their arms towards me and help me up 

"We're going to talk about that later... for now we all need to get to Spanish class..." Olivia and Annie smirk at each other and then give me a look "WHAT?!" I scream at them but they just laugh in my face and pull me out of the bathroom and down the hallway by the arms... 


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