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Allan concluded his background check after he got all the particulars he needed from his contacts at the hospital that formerly employed Hunter

. It seemed she graduated about eighteen months ago , had no history listed for former residences except her current living situation which was a weekly room rental at the hotel a block from Mass General.

The neighborhood was a rough one.

Allan knew first hand from his residency as well as the residencies his sons completed.

Jordan's being the most recent within the last three years.

Speaking to Marlene about the garage apartment that had housed many in the last several decades Allan made arrangements with a moving company to move Hunter's belongings as soon as possible to the apartment.

Later that afternoon Allan pulled up into their driveway with Hunter in the passenger seat. Seeing a very familiar suv parked where he normally parked Allan honked to get his youngest son's attention.

Jordan was supposed to be at the office seeing patients. Allan furious at this point honked the horn repeatedly until an irritable scowl met his own

"Move this thing I need in there .You know not to park there .It's easier for getting into the garage with any important things that come home " Allan chastised him.

If Jordan was going to act like a child then Allan planned on treating him like one.

Jordan narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms across his chest

"It's fuckin cold today ,you weren't home yet so I parked there."

"I don't care how cold it is I need it moved or I'll do it myself."

Jordan noticed the redhead from earlier sitting in the passenger seat as his brows furrowed.

"I thought you didn't like us bringing home strays " Jordan snapped hopping into the drivers seat.

"Jordan! "Allan hissed.

Jordan motioned like he didn't hear him over the sound of the engine.

Once he parked Allan stopped Jordan before he even got out of the car

"This is Hunter .She is not a stray. You know better than this shit.Stop acting like you're ten"Allan warned

Turning to Hunter ,Allan apologized

"Hunter I apologize for my son's obvious lapse in sanity and forgetfulness of manners. This is my youngest son Jordan and you'll be working closely with him probably more with him than with myself or Jonathan"

Jordan stood quiet for a moment, assessing Hunter

Hunter extended her hand to shake his. Because his father was watching Jordan begrudgingly accepted it.

"I'm sorry about spilling the coffee on you Dr. Knight .I don't know what got into me "

It was then that Jordan saw her eyes.

He'd never in his life seen eyes as beautiful as Hunter's emerald green ones with the tiniest flecks of what appeared to be gold in them that seemed to see right through him.

The thought rattled him to his core

Shaking it off Jordan excused himself into the house.

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