Story 2: Scared Of Attention

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"You really think so?" Said Lucas, his blond hair hidden by the beanie that now topped his head. His face was a look of worry as his eyes darted around the room, searching for what, at what I assumed it was, an exit of some sort. Of course, Milo--who just so happened to be the captain of the wrestling team, but also one of my greatest friends--was blocking Lucas's only escape. I knelt to his height, smiling at him. I was quite a bit taller than my junior in high school, though to be honest, my parents are still quite a bit taller than me, so I have a ways to go. 

"Lucas, you'll do fine! It's just a song." I encouraged him, patting him on the shoulder to hopefully garner whatever courage was left in the poor boy. 

"Yeah, just a song in front of, like, two thousand people! I-I can't breathe..." He began to breathe heavily, and reached for his water bottle which laid upon the dresser. It was already three-quarters emptied by him, but that didn't stop him. He drank the rest in one full gulp, tossing it into the nearest trashcan and taking a deep breath. 

Milo held up his hand to speak. "Look, pipsqueak, if you don't do this, these people," Milo jerked his head towards the other door, the one across the room, "These people're gonna get mad at wastin' about 30 to 40 bucks to come and see you sing." He pointed at Lucas. "Plus, if you don't sing, this whole thing--it'll be for nothing." You had to admire him at certain points, and this was one of those points. Besides his overwhelming strength, Milo possessed several other qualities. One of them had been the power of persuasion. He had once talked his way out of getting an under-age possession arrest--not that he had any drugs or alcohol on him.

Lucas looked between me and Milo, then sighed. "You're absolutely sure you want me to do this?" He asked, addressing me. He was giving me the puppy eyes--that one look you can't help but give up whatever argument you're fighting. I tried to hold strong as I spoke, "You have to. If you don't...I'll have Milo sit on you." I threatened mischievously, turning to face Milo with a grin. 

Lucas gasped. "You wouldn't!" He feigned surprise, but at least it was obvious. Milo stood up straight, also grinning at Lucas. Lucas, crossed his arms and turned away, now facing the door that would lead to over 2000 of his fans. He stared at it. "...Kev, you're sure?" He addressed me using my nickname. 

I nodded, "Positive, lil' dude." 

With that, Lucas spun once more, throwing the doors open. He was silent at first, but the usher quickly caught on, and introduced him to his fans, to which they applauded miraculously. 

The performance was a success.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2017 ⏰

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