The Meeting

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I suddenly heard whispers and waited a few minutes until I heard footsteps coming to the door. I heard a hand grip the doorknob and turn it and I held my breath as the door opened, and standing right in front of me was.....  

... a man who I didn't recognise dressed in formal uniform. 

"Well now, you must be Anna!" The man announced cheerfully, "I'm Tom, I work for Sofia and I've heard plenty about you. Sofia isn't at home right now but she will be back later."

I let out a breath and my shoulders drooped in disappointment. "Didn't she want to welcome me?" I thought sadly. "No no Anna, she's a famous actress she must be busy," I told myself trying to force a smile as I introduced myself to friendly Tom. 

The driver dropped all of my bags to the front door and Tom told me he would take them to my room and I could wait in the living room. I followed his gaze to the double doors to my left and nodded at him before walking towards them. I put my hand on the cold door knob and tried to push the door open. It was slightly stiff so I pushed harder and the doors suddenly gave away as I stumbled into a dark room. I searched my way through the dark and eventually found a light switch. As soon as I pressed the switch, the entire room lit up and I heard a sudden shout.

"SURPRISE!" a chorus shouted, as many people one by one shot up from their hiding places throwing confetti in the air, "WELCOME ANNA!" I turned around to face the people and as my eyes adjusted to light I realised who these people were. On my right, hiding behind a sofa, was Booboo Stewart. Standing next to him with a grin on his face was Cameron Boyce. On the left, Dove Cameron who had just popped out from behind a curtain, and right in the centre of everyone was Sofia Carson, smiling brightly at me and holding a beautifully decorated cake in her hands and a silly party hat on her head. My favourite actors and actresses from my favourite movie were all in front of me and in the centre was my idol. I opened my mouth but no words came out. Instead, I brought my hands up to cover my mouth to express my complete shock.

Everyone chuckled and smiled at eachother as Sofia walked up to me. 

"Hi Anna! I'm so glad you're here! We've been waiting so eagerly," She said grinning delightfully. 

"Hi Sofia." was the only thing I could manage to say. What am I supposed to say? I had envisioned this meeting so many times in my head and I was so afraid that I would say the wrong thing and mess up my one chance. 

Sofia put down the cake to the side and held out her arms in front of me for me to walk into. I smiled and slowly hugged her, still in shock and disbelief.

After I'd slowly gotten over the initial shock of seeing all my dreams right before my eyes, I was back to myself and I was so delighted that Sofia had actually thrown me a welcome party! I introduced myself  to the 4, Booboo, Cameron, Dove and Sofia and everyone was obviously exactly what I had expected and even more. I laughed at Cameron's jokes and watched in awe at Booboo's amazing stunts. And after the boys were done showing off, Dove and Sofia pulled me away to talk girl stuff. I got to know everyone so well and I had enjoyed the sweet welcome party immensely. It made me even more excited to work on the movie and be living in LA, making friends with such amazing people.

After a few hours of fun and laughter, everyone helped clean up and then slowly one by one, everyone decided to head home. First it was Booboo and Cameron who decided to leave together.

"Bye Sof, see you soon. Bye Anna, hope you had fun today it was sweet getting to know you," Said Booboo.

"Bye Sofi, Bye Anna, I can't wait to see you on set!" Cameron shouted as he waved goodbye.

We waved goodbye to the boys and then relaxed in the living room for a while until it was time Dove had to go as well. We walked her to the door and both hugged her goodbye.

"Bye Sof, I'll text you when I get home," She said to Sofia before turning to me and giving me a hug and saying, "Anna, I loved meeting you today I can tell we're going to have many fun times together. I can't wait to work with you soon and we should really plan some more girl days! Anyway, I should go before it gets too dark. Bye!" She waved goodbye and walked out. 

I looked outside at the semi-dark sky and then checked my watch, it was roughly 9:30pm. I wondered at how fast the time passed without us realising and the fact that I was still feeling extremely energised after those fun few hours. I turned to Sofia who had just finished locking the door and smiled.

"Thank you Sofia.." I said quietly in gratitude for everything so far she had done for me.

"Hey, we're going to be like sisters now so there's no need to thank me," She said pulling me into a side hug and smiling. "Now, you must be exhausted! We should get to bed." She said gesturing for me up the stairs.

I wasn't really tired, I was quite the opposite actually. The exciting surprise and party had given me a thrill that still had me buzzing with energy. However, I nodded and walked upstairs towards my bedroom where Sofia was gesturing. The minute I walked into the beautiful room, I fell in love. It was a well sized but cozy room. The walls were all beautiful colours of purple, blue and white and the huge bed was right in the centre under a wall with a beautiful black painted flower on it. I ran and jumped on to the bed, breathing in the beautiful lavander fragrance. I saw my suitcases on the side and decided to sort my things out instantly.

After a while, everything had been sorted and my room was perfectly ready for me to live in and I was super excited. I searched through my new cupboards for my cupcake pyjamas and slipped them on and crawled into bed even though my eyelids were refusing to stay closed. I lay in my new bed, in my new house, in my new country and thought of all the new opportunities to come. Everything excited me even more but I forced myself to keep my eyes shut and go to sleep so I could quickly pass on to a new day full of more adventures...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2017 ⏰

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