Scene 2 - Krystala

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So there I was, on the side of the road while I watch someone else get crushed by a truck. My eyes widen and I scream for help, passers-by came rushing over, by then the driver of the truck had drove off, talk about hit and run. I crawl to my feet and rush over to the lifeless body.

Is he dead? I think to myself.

As tears pour down my face, I close my eyes, hoping it was all just a bad dream.

When I suddenly feel something touch my cheek, I slowly open my eyes, the sirens getting louder and louder. I can hear them, it's like a warning of danger in the night.

The boy, the stranger was alive, he wiped away my tears that poured down my face, leaving just the finger marks of blood from his hand. His eyes looked at me with relief.

As his hand starts to slip from my face, I grab it to keep it there, as I look at him I realise there was nothing I could do. His glance weakens his eyes start to close and I could only think of the life that got destroyed saving mine.

The ambulance arrives soon after, and as he's dragged away I think to myself I can't leave him, I have to go, and I have to stay with him.

The doctors refused me to go with them, but I kept insisting. In the end I was left behind, but that won't stop me, so I start running, my now blood stained dress flowing as I run, people tried to stop me but I wouldn't. I can't stop running.

I run as if im being chased or hunted, but that's all I can do.

17 minutes later ~

I'm here. West Wing Hospital. It's only called West Wing because the person who built it was named Westley W. Marcus. He built it, and he died inside as well.

But now I have to find someone, a stranger. Walking in made me feel so sick, the injured the ill, the smell of decay. It brought back so many memories.

As I walk more in I see an information desk, I rush over and slam my hands on the counter, "hello, I really need to find someone" I say but no one comes out, so once again I say it, but this time I shout as loud as I can, "I NEED ASSISTANCCE SO PLEASE ANYONE" and before I knew it I had 3 staff in front of me. "Is everything alright" one of them said. "im looking for my friend, he just got brought in, he was hit by a truck" the staff looks at me then call down one of the nurses, I look at them, confused.

The nurse takes me to a room, decorated with roses and lilies, she sits me down, and as I sit there I start to wonder is this bad news. The smell of the roses was so strong, I couldn't smell the lilies, the room wasn't very big but it made everything feel worse, a feeling off doubt and horror, pain, torture – "hello, miss are you all right" the nurse says, as I fall from my daze, I try to pull myself together, I place my hands on my lap and look to the floor.

"There's a lot of blood on your dress, and your face did something happen" she says gently. "I'm just looking for the boy who got run down by a truck" I reply.

"Are you his friend then?" the nurse asked me question after question, but I stayed still and didn't reply to any of them. But I had to tell her if I don't I can't see him. "I don't actually no him, so I can't answer any of them questions I'm sorry. But I have to talk to him, I just must" I clench my fists as much as I can. The nurse gets up and walks to the door, "I'm sorry, but only friends and family are allowed to see him" after she said that I stood to my feet in rage, "HE SAVED MY LIFE I WANT TO KNOW WHY AND I HAVE TO THANK HIM" I scream, the nurse jumps, and turns around to face my raging face, almost like I startled her, I mean I did come out as the quiet little angel.

But trust me, don't get me angry!

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