The truth

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Chapter 4 - The truth:

And after 3 hours of driving the car ran out of gas and while me, nandini and talia were in the car Yared, Sean and Daria were trying to push the car off the main road after 20 minuets of continuous grunting we made it to a small clearing in the woods. I helped Sean and Yared set up the tents while everyone else was loading the stuff off the car by the time it was dark everyone was in their tents and the camp fire was alight, its orange flame illuminating us and our tents. We started to talk about stuff like food and school along with bitching about people we didn't like after that everyone went to sleep apart from me and Sean we just sat there for an hour and stared into the roaring flame of our fire we probably would've went on for hours but then our flame went out with a really chilly breeze and then we both heard something about 5 meters behind us, we turned around to see a blurry mixture of silver and gold dart down what looks to be like a cave.

We both felt like it was familiar and without thinking twice stood up and started chasing whatever we saw as soon as we entered the cave we saw "it" split up into two separate ways Sean hypnotically followed the silver one into one cave and i did the same but i went into the other cave with the gold one i ended up in a dead end and after 2 minuets checking for any way out apart from the way i came from claustrophobia started to kick in and then i realized how dark it was and i started to panic i raced down from the way i came from and it was a dead end too then i saw a yellow light begin to fill up the space in front of me it was coming from behind i turn around to see a Brown wolf sitting there staring into my eyes it looked so familiar that it scared me half to death it had Yellow Light eminating from what looks like a printed circuit board but all over his or her body but printed onto its skin after noticing what it is i suddenly feel so weak that i struggle to stay standing i reach out my hand and its paw reaches out to meet my hand and as soon as i feel a connection i black out.

As i walked into a cave illuminated by a silver light then when i was really close to it the whole Cave goes dark and i try to feel out the cave after ten minuets of feeling out the tomb which i was trapped in i realize that the way i came in is now blocked claustrophobia kicked in and i started feeling really really weak and exhausted i realize I'm struggling to breath as if someone punched me in the face and kicked me in my stomach then i notice light flooding in from behind my back along with noises of a animal snarling at me i turn around and i directly into its eyes feeling of fear start flooding my brain then i collapse before the animal that was incharge of my fate.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2014 ⏰

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