I'm Nuts, Baby I'm Mad, The Craziest Friend, That You've Ever Had~

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Is There Anybody Listening?
You Say You Need Me....
'Were Running Out Of Time!'
You say you'll leave me.....
But you'll be sorry.....

You are making me, uneasy.....You make me want to scream!
I wish I was a dumb pop star so the words wouldn't matter to you!

((These are song lyrics, but I mixed them up a bit I basically put the lyrics that describe me~

Am I living an illusion? I wanna runaway....

I feel like I'm loosing control...Maybe I should let myself go....

I'm Nuts! Baby I'm Mad! The Craziest Friend, That You Ever Had! You Think I'm Pshyco, You Think I'm Gone!
Over The Bend! Entirely Bonkers, You Like Me Best When I'm Off My Rocker! Tell you a secret~ I'm Not Alarmed,
"So What If I'm Crazy? The Best People Are!"

What's with these homies who be dissing my boy? Do they know, I'm aggravated with the negativity and the noise!

You're the only one, who's making me come...To My Sinful Senses, I'll Never Love! Anyone The Same, I'll Never Feel Ashamed Of Using You For Pleasure.....Am I Naïve To Think That He Could Be The Love Of My Life? There Is A Voice Inside My Head That's Telling Me That It's Right! I Never Thought I'd tell him...How scared I am of loosing him......

Over The Bend, Entirely Bonkers~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя