Thank you!!

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Hello there! So INK is over now, but I might write a sequel for this. I'm not so sure tho.

Firstly, writing INK was a challenge for me because I had to update often so that you lovely readers will not get mad at me for not updating.

Second, I'm sorry for not updating as much before. I had tons of schoolwork and exams so I cant really update as much as I thought I would.

Third, writing INK was one of the goals I seek to achieve and now that I had got the chance to finish it, I'm really proud of myself for actually finishing a book.

Fourth, I would really like to thank all of you for sticking with me until the end of this story and thank you to all 700+ of you. I didn't expect to even have at least one person to read this.

I would really like to see your comments on the story and feedback from all of you.

Sorry for the 100'th time if I rushed this story too much. I really wanted this story to have at least fifty but since school starts in two months, my parents are going to be a hell lot more strict.

Lastly, thank you for reading INK and I hope to see you all in 'Drunk'. I love you all and hopefully, I will see all of you again!!


~ Jalika08

I never Knew (JacksGap ff) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now