Chapter 1

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It was a snowy winters day in late December, the snow was falling gracefully to the ground like ballerinas. Jean had just finished working at the coffee shop that has now closed for Christmas, he shivered slightly as the bitterness attacked him. He shuffled home in the whiteness of the ground and air surrounding him.

A few minutes passed and he finally made it to his shared apartment whom he shared it with his best friend(well his crush to be exact) Marco. He opened the door and closed it quickly, making sure that the coldness doesn't get in. He closed the door and kicked off his working boots which where now soaking wet plus his coat and he walked into the living area where Marco sat in the corner of he couch, cuddled up in a blanket, he was awake and didn't hear or notice Jean come in.

Jean sneaked up behind Marco, and wrapped his arms around Marcos neck and whispered in his ear, "guess who". Of course of them being friends(which, both them knew-kinda-that they won't stay friends for long) Marco didn't want it to look like that Jean just turned him on, he acted natural and smiled, "I'm so happy you are home." Jean smiled warmly at his answer and sat on the couch next to Marco. He told him about his quiet and non-busy day he had. Marco explained that he didn't get up until 10am and he stayed in bed nearly all day. They both had a good laugh together. However, as the day turned into night, Jean got tired and started to slowly fall asleep; Marco-on the other hand-was wide awake as he had the most sleep then Jean. Marco said gently to Jean, "if you fall asleep, I will carry you to your bed" as he finished talking Jean actually fell asleep halfway through his sentence. Marco giggled a little bit and picked Jean up bridal style to his bedroom. As Marco was walking he started to think about the future, would Jean and himself still be best buds and no further than that? Will himself(Marco) confess his love to Jean? Or will Jean do that? He asked himself many questions whilst putting Jean in bed, he stared at the man that snored softly and blushed a little. He had an amazing idea. He climbed into Jean bed and wrapped his arms around him and layed his head on his chest, Marco felt safe and warm and he wanted to do it more. He whispered goodnight and fell right asleep in Jeans arms.

(Hello guys! This is the first chapter done! Sorry if this is rubbish, I wrote this at like night time and I'm tired XD i write the second chapter asap and publish it-i hope you
enjoyed it :))

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