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I was rushed out the back door with the men holding the double doors open all i could hear was clicks and people shouting mine and Mr Jasper's name. The lights were blinding from the cameras and the people taking the photos had no boundaries.

I had my arm up to protect my eyes from the flashes, even with glasses the lights from the cameras stung my eyes. Mr Jasper had his arm around my waist to help guide me out of the building. Mr Jasper had wide shoulders and strong arms, he was probably 5 inches taller then me but by far a lot stronger then me. The security surrounding us were making a little channel for us to get into our cars. The cars were only 6 meters away, it wasn't much yet with this many journalists and god knows who else here wanting to make head-lines with our appearance it seemed impossible to get to our cars. There were easily 20-30 people here, ramming in to each other on the streets on Sunset Blvd trying to take the that deadly shot that will earn them millions.

"Who leaked our location?" Mr Jasper hissed with authority as soon as the car door closed. I was staring at him, he was beyond pissed, his graying black hair slightly messy from his hands running through it, veins on his neck popping out, he was staring at his phone texting someone. The plan was never for me to be in the public eye, I was too much of a risk and my history will not do this mission any good.

From where I was sitting I could see the drivers knuckles were going white because of the pressure he was holding the steering wheel. Mr Amelia Black was sitting in the passenger seat, she was vigorously typing away on her phone, her thick black hair falling just below her shoulders. She had to move it away a few times to see.

What is going to happen now? My head was still spinning from what just happened, that never occurs. It was a known thing that you don't make any of our business public for our sake and especially for their sake as well.

"Mr Jasper, i am trying to find out now. So far i have nothing." Mr Black finally answered. I was looking between them both, Mr Jasper looked like he could kill and looked Mr Black beyond livid.

Our car was dark black with tinted windows, the interior was a of brown leather and it smelt new, I was slightly shaking from today's event, I was not expecting this. I could feel my heart beating rapidly in my chest. I was lost in my thoughts when Mr Black asked, "What is your name?" it took me a couple of seconds to form words in my mouth, "My name is Demi Williams."

"Nice to meet you, Demi." Mr Black had said as she turned her body around to shake my hand. She was very intimidating, they all were. She gave me a shape smile and said, "it's a shame we had to meet under these circumstances.. how old are you?" Her face looked kind and gentle though her eyes looked deadly, she had a fixed glare to her.

"I'm 20." Her lips went into a thin line and she slowly formed a frown on her face. She turned her gaze to Mr Jasper. He was still ferociously typing on his phone. As soon as Mr Black turned her gaze to him he snapped his head up and said, "I know she is too young, I never planned on her being in the spotlight, Amelia." Mr Black just nodded and turned back around in her seat again.

"We need to find another place to stay." Mr Jasper said. "We don't know who's at our place now." He continued. "Ugh, this is so messed up." Mr Black groaned. Mr Jasper hadn't taken his eyes off of the phone. The car ride seemed like it was going on for ages.

I didn't know how to act right now, i don't actually know what just happened.. One minute i am finally meeting Mr Jasper after hearing about him for over 5 years now and then we were about to go to my office to take a look at the project we had been working on when Mr Jasper and I were abruptly stopped just a step away from my office doors.

"Sir, you have a phone call." a man wearing a navy well fitted suit said. Mr Jasper did not  hesitate to take the call. I could feel the air becoming thicker by the second. Mr Jasper held up his fingers indicating that he wont be long and walked a little further away from me. Mr Jasper was incredibly intimidating, he has a deadly fix in his eyes but his face was gentle like he wouldn't hurt a fly even though his aura screamed authority.

I wasn't sure if i should say anything - i was also intimidated by the man now in front of me, the navy suit man. He wear a frown on his face and he also too had deadly eyes. He had his hands intertwined together beyond his back and his shoulders out making him look even taller, this man was Mr Jasper's body guard and i could defiantly say that he passed test. He was an easy 6'3 meters tall and well built, he had short hair light brown hair with the sides shorter then the top. He had it combed back making him look even more slick.

My eyes drifted off to were Mr Jasper went, i could see him standing by the window looking down to the ground outside. He was speaking in hushed voices the whole time making it almost impossible for me to hear the conversation. My eyes went over to the other window on the other side of the room - facing the front of the building. I swear i could hear someone shouting my name - squinted my eyes and pecked my ears up to listen closer and i was not mistaken, there was someone chanting my name.

I slowly stalked over to the window and was about to look out the glass when i was jolted back by my arm. "Don't look down there. They can see you." Navy Suit guy said. I squinted at him now an asked, "Who will see me? Why are they saying my name?" He didn't answer and but stood in front of the window blocking my view and looking straight ahead.

What the hell is going on.

"Miss Williams, there has been some complications, I need you to come with me." Mr Jasper said, he seemed more of an order then anything. "What complications? Why do I need to go with you?" I asked. I was starting to freak out and I wasn't sure why neither of them were telling me what was going on.

"Miss Williams, I will inform you later. Right now, someone has called the press and they are outside waiting for us." Mr Jasper stated with his hand now on my shoulder. What the hell. "Why do the press want anything to do with me?" Mr Jasper's lips went into a thin line and he finished, "It seems someone thinks you're on the Mission.. they have called the press and now they are waiting for you at the front of the building." And that was all he said. We started walking and he didn't take his hand off of my shoulder as we exited the building.

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-  Nui

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: May 16, 2019 ⏰

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ADVENTURES - #SILENCEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon