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Ooh, with the smell of her perfume
I could love her, too, like you, like you
And I can almost hear her laugh
Curving on her back for you, for you

Levi was out today with Eren and Armin. They said they were going to the beach. Mikasa got drunk last night after Hanji and Erwin came. Hanji was all out partying pulling Mikasa back and forth to the Bar area. Hanji tried to pull me there but Levi got a good grip on me. He got his hand on my waist the whole night. Lucky me I never got another shot of white wine after that moment of flashback with him.

Right now, I'm in the hotel room that Levi and I share. I was ready to go out for lunch, i just need my bag.

I was walking around the area as i spotted a restaurant

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I was walking around the area as i spotted a restaurant. I have no one with me, Paul was with his family having fun at the beach. This would be his only day off so i let him spend his time with his family.

I went inside and it wasn't that crowded. I was assisted to my seat by the waiter and let me sit.

"I'll be back to get your order Miss (l/n)." she said and walked away. She was nice and i think she looked younger than me. I scanned the Menu for a while when I heard voices. I looked around and saw a strawberry blonde hair and a guy on the corner of the restaurant. It was a bit dark but i can make their faces.

My heart was thumping crazily and it hurt again. Levi was with her, again. I thought he wanted to fix us. I thought he said he doesn't want to lose me? He said he's going with Eren and Armin but where are they?

Petra was holding his hand as well as him. They we're PDA-ing and they don't even care of people were looking. A tear fell down my cheek as i saw him kiss her. And it broke my heart even more. What happened last night? What was that? It means nothing to him.

My phone rang so picked it up. It was Krista.

"You have an interview today with Levi. You need to go there. They're already at the hotel so you just need to change." she said. I wiped my tear and stood up. She hung up and i walked to their seat.

"We need to go." i said and pulled Levi off of the chair while he looked at me with pale face. Petra stood up, pissed off and she was so furious.

"You don't understand what "Fuck off" means, do you? Let me tell you. It means, don't be a whore, stop being such a slut and LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE" I yelled at her making everyone watch us. I pulled Levi's arm, out of the restaurant. Once we were out, i let go off him and started walking. I heard his footsteps behind me. I let my tears fall uncontrollably.

"LEVI COME BACK HERE!" Levi and i turned around and saw Petra running after us. She pulled Levi behind her and slapped me across my cheeks.

"That's for humiliating me. And Levi is not going with you anymore because I'm pregnant. And we're going to get married." she said showing me her ring. I stood there with a stoic face as i look at Levi. He was looking away. He glanced at me and i saw guilt in his eyes.

"You can do the interview today Levi. I'll just go back home. Don't worry, I'll handle the break up rumors." i said walking away. I can still feel my cheek stinging but i can endure it. What i can't endure is my heart breaking to pieces. Like every big pieces of it is breaking into tiny ones and it hurts.

I reached the hotel and quickly went inside the elevator. I cried in there, letting myelf break. It hurt as much than the day i saw them together.

I reached my floor and dashed to our hotel room. I packed everything and once I'm done, i went back down the lobby. Paul was there with his family. He stood up when he saw me with my suitcases.

"Miss, do you want me to drive you?" he asked quickly, he put his daughter down while he walked towards me.

" No Paul, its fine. You can stay here. I can drive. Just enjoy this day with your family. Here, give me the keys." i said smiling slightly. He hesitated for a while but eventually gave in. He sighed and nodded.

"Remember, If you need anything, just tell the information and mention my name. They'll give you anything you like. And please, don't hesitate. This is your day off." i said and looked at his family. He has 2 kids, one is a boy and the little girl he's carrying earlier. I smiled at them and looked back at Paul.

"Thank you Miss. Be careful with driving." he said while i nodded. He went back to his family and i went out the hotel, I saw my mom and dad at the beach walking, hand in hand, My friends sun bathing. This will be the last time I'll see them. I'm going back to the studio to record and I'll be gone for 4 months. I won't be seeing them anytime soon. I went to the car and put my suitcases inside the trunk. This is it.

I took my phone out and opened instagram, I looked at all the pictures of me and Levi in my phone and chose one picture of Levi that i took when we were walking back to our house, being clingy and pouting when i refused to give him a kiss.

I took my phone out and opened instagram, I looked at all the pictures of me and Levi in my phone and chose one picture of Levi that i took when we were walking back to our house, being clingy and pouting when i refused to give him a kiss

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For 7 years, we've known each other, we have been together. He was my bestfriend, my enemy when it comes to cleaning, my coach in life and my lover. He's an amazing man and an amazing boyfriend. And i want to thank you for all the memories, from the good times and bad times. I am sorry to inform you that Levi and I have broken up but its for the best. Both sides have been so busy lately and haven't spend time as much as we used to. But i will still love him no matter what happens, as a friend or best friend. Thank you all for supporting us and i hope you understand. ❤❤

I posted it and started driving away from the venue. I need to get this out of my chest. By writing it in a song.

Hanji's POV

I was sunbathing on my back when I heard Mikasa curse beside me.

"What the fuck? What the fuck!!" she cursed. We all looked at her confused and she showed us her phone. Its something that (y/n) posted on instagram.

"Holy shit. But what about last night?" Erwin asked. I ran off to find (y/n) in hotel but found Levi in the lobby doing an interview.

"Is it true that you and (y/n) broke up?" the interviewer asked. Levi sat there, he was silent for two minutes, hesitating to answer.

"Its okay if you don't want to answer it." she said. They stood up and shook his hand and left. I walked towards him and held him up on his shirt.

"what the fuck did you do this time?" i asked, my eyes glaring at him. He looked away and hung his head low. I heard him sniff and felt a tear drip on my hand. He was crying.

"Im sorry Hanji. Its all my fault. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have cheated on her. I shouldn't have. I should've avoided Petra in the first place." Levi cried, i let go of him and looked at him.

"It is your fault. 7 years Levi and you chose to be with someone who you barely know. I told you to avoid that girl. But you let your hormones control you. That's karma." i said and left. I went back outside and Mikasa was there, trying to contact (y/n). I laid back on my towel sighed.

I guess they're over for good.