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I V Y ' S P O V

It's been a few days since I was with Luke. He had gone away to California for their tour. -

I missed him, I missed hanging out with him. I liked it, a lot. Michael finally got over his nerves and asked Stella out yesterday. It was cute. Stella was really happy, she couldn't stop smiling for at least two whole hours. I didn't mind it, i was happy for her. Michael asked if Stella could go on tour with them, and she accepted the offer, I mean, who wouldn't? -

Luke has called me a few times. I enjoyed the time we talked, I enjoyed everything we did. He'd ask how my masterpiece is going, I'd laugh. It's actually going really well. The walls are painted to a pretty royal purple, and my bed spread came in today. The pretty multi-color chevron will bring out the darkish walls. -

My birthday is next week. My sister will be out at a party, usual for her. My mom is going out with her supposed new "boyfriend" who I find truly disrespectful. Baylin and Liz won't be able to hang out with me because they're going on a cruise the week on my birthday. So I guess I'll be all alone. It's nothing new, I'm used to it. -

I'm actually looking forward to see my room once it's finished, it's the first time I've ever designed my room myself. I have the biggest room, so this should be good. Maybe Luke could come see it once it's done and just hang out... If he has the time, I know he has a busy schedule with their tour, and the traveling. -

Liz and Baylin decided to come over while I was putting up some pictures on the tree I painted on my wall. They can just come in, I mean, they're not killers. They basically live here. They also have keys so. -

"Hey Ivy," Liz greeted as they both walked into my room. I waved as I put a piece of tape on the back of a picture of me and the girls. The tree I painted on my wall pretty much represents my life of memories. I put pictures on it and they're like the leaves, I guess. I got it off tumblr, it seemed really nice. -

"So have you heard about Stel's and Michael's hook up?" Bay asked, I nodded keeping my back to them. I couldn't really talk since I had my roll of tape in my mouth and more pictures to hang up.

"I think it's really cute," Liz added. I put up a thumbs up and mumbled "Mhum" in agreement.

They laughed, "Let us help, Ivy."

*4 hours later*

"I'll be back, Ashton's calling." Baylin spoke as she answered her phone and walked out. -

"So how are you and Calum? Anything special?" I asked, curious of what they do.

"We're great, we're really good friends.. He told me he really likes me but he doesn't want to rush, which is understandable." Liz explained, I chuckled.

"Aw, that's cute." I smiled brining my knees to my chest. It was, very cute. Calum was shy, but very confident on his choices.

"How about you and Luke? I seen a picture of you two sleeping together on twitter."

I eyes grew. "W-what??"

"Yeah, it's an HQ picture, it's from outside the window." Elizabeth explained again and showed me the picture.-

I looked at it for a moment, just admiring how beautiful Luke looked sleeping. But how did the picture get taken? Paparazzi I suppose. They're the first people that come to mind when I see pictures like this. It was during dusk, so, probably. -

Luke was laying on his back, with his right arm over his head and his left arm over his stomach. I was cuddled up next to him, I remember him saying I could cuddle with him. I woke up that morning wrapped in his arms, his head laid between my neck and the pillow. -

"Ivy, did you hear me?" Baylin snapped in my face, losing me from my thoughts.

"Hm?" I blinked I eyes a few times handing Liz her phone back.

They both laughed, "Ashton said they're coming back Friday since they don't have to travel until the 8th."

"That's my birthday.." I nervously spoke.

"I know what Luke is getting you for your birthday," I heard Ashton through the phone. It startled me for a second. "But I can't tell you." He added.

I just laughed. I didn't even know Luke was going to get me something. I wasn't really looking forward to anything, but it's sweet of him to get me something. -

"Hey Ivy," Ashton asked, Baylin handing me the phone.

"Yeah?" I asked nervously.

"Luke wants to know if he can FaceTime you later? He's doing something at the moment so he asked me to ask you."

"Yes of course." I smiled.

"Okay, I'll tell Luke." Ashton giggled hanging up the phone. -

"Are y'all staying?" I asked, and they nodded.

They helped me with my room some more, which was great because my room is almost complete. Liz would stop to text Calum back, along with Baylin. Luke hasn't facetimed me yet, probably because he'll get teased by the others. Which I find hilarious. -

"What time is it?" I asked yawning while asking.

"Almost 1." Replied Liz.

"I'm going to bed, I'm tired." I laughed cleaning up my mess I made. -

"We'll be downstairs if you need us, we'll be up once we're tired," Baylin laughed and they both walked out. -

I laid down in my bed and turned off my lamp and turned on my fan. I laid there for a moment and closed my eyes. Then my phone rang. -

"Hey Luke," I smiled.

"Hey," he smiled back and waved. "Were you sleeping?"

"No, I just got into bed, haha." I chuckled, my voice becoming raspier.

"You look tired," Luke giggled, his teeth playing with his lip ring, which was extremely attractive.

"I am," I laughed, "but I'll stay up, it's not a problem." I smiled.

"Okay, good," he smiled, "I have a question."

"I have an answer."

"Uh.. Would you like to come on tour with us?" Luke asked nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"Really?" I smiled.

"Yeah, we're leaving on the 8th."

"I'd love to," I smiled biting my lip. He smiled back. "The 8th is also my birthday."

"I know, Ashton told me. That was part of your gift I got you," Luke blushed.

I smiled again, really not knowing what else to say.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow okay? You look really tired so I'm going to let you get some sleep." Luke giggled again, can he get any sweeter.

"Okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight, Luke." I smiled.

"Goodnight, Ivy." He smiled back and we ended the FaceTime.

I laid my phone back down on my night stand and laid down, falling asleep. -

A/N: Hello, yes, I know this is a boring chapter. But, it'll get interesting the next few chapters. I really don't know if people read my story, but if you do that's wonderful. But anyway, I'll update soon. x

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