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Song is "Without You" by Oh Wonder

❛You were alone, left out in the cold Clinging to the ruin of your broken heartToo lost and hurting to carry your loadWe all need someone to holdYou've been fighting the memory, on your ownNothing worsens; nothing grows I know how it feels being b...

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❛You were alone, left out in the cold
Clinging to the ruin of your broken heart
Too lost and hurting to carry your load
We all need someone to hold
You've been fighting the memory, on your own
Nothing worsens; nothing grows
I know how it feels being by yourself in the rain
We all need someone to stay.❜
- Someone to Stay, Vancouver Sleep Clinic


When Asher was twelve he faked being sick for the first time. He told his mum he felt faint and that he would be sick, she trusted him and he stayed home. Naturally, as mothers usually do, she found out.

When Asher was spotted texting his friend who "just so happened" to be sick too, his mother was livid. It's safe to say, Asher learnt his lesson not once repeating his actions. Until today, that is. But today, there was no one to catch him out. No one to scold him for not going to work, he was in a different country after all.

Asher hadn't bothered to get out of bed since waking up two hours ago, he was busy being unproductive.

Suddenly, Asher felt the need to see Phoebe, to be close to her. He knew he couldn't, it'd been not long ago that she was kicking him out of her life once again. So Asher did the next best thing, he pulled out his phone and clicked into his camera roll.

He scrolled right to the top, starting when they were only just kids. Gradually, as he moved further down and they got older, Phoebe appeared more often in his camera roll. And then she's there, she's everywhere. Her face is in at least every second photo and Asher felt the need to grieve. To grieve the love Asher no longer had, the love Phoebe no longer returned.

The mere thought made Asher want to either fall into a heap of tears or give up and go home. There was one photo in particular that brought on a bout of feelings. He couldn't stop thinking about that day, the way he held her in his arms and they swayed to the music that was playing in just their heads. The way it felt like forever in just a moment, one single moment where they could begin to see their future, and it was bliss. Asher knew, in that moment, that he had something special with this girl. He knew he would do whatever it took to keep her, she was it for Asher.

But as the years go by, the season inevitably change and so did their relationship. But they never once fell out of love with each other, they always stayed faithful and devoted to one another. Their story wasn't one of lying or cheating, but simply, fear. But Asher didn't know that yet. As far as he knew, she didn't care or love him anymore. So why did he find it so hard to let go of her?

Asher hadn't realised someone had come home until there was a knock echoing off his door. And before he could respond, the door was opening, a confused Paisley standing in the doorway.


He lifted his tear-stained face, his eyes meeting hers. Paisley felt a strike of pain hit her heart at the image of her brother there. She knew this wasn't an easy process for him and that he needed time, but she wanted more than anything to be able to fix everything, to take away his pain. She took a deep breath and looked at his walls, just as he was, seeing his smiling face next to Phoebe's in all the photos. Paisley, like many, knew how perfect they were for each other. They brought out the best in each other and dared one another to live more boldly, to make the most of each day. They were soulmates. True love is so hard to find in this day and age but Asher and Phoebe were the lucky ones. The two had found their true love and before they'd even turned seventeen, it would just take a bit longer for their perfect ending.

"I know it's hard right now and if I was in your shoes I wouldn't be able to cope at all. I think I'd fall in a heap of tears the minute I left the church if it was me. You've always been so strong, Asher. You'll get through this, I know you will, you both just need time."

Asher took moment to think over everything Paisley said before giving an earnest response, "It just hurts, I thought she'd be the one. She was my everything, dramatic, I know. But she radiated this kind of happiness that is so rare these days, the kind that made you want to stay with her forever just to feel her warmth. Wow, I sound so stupid. Have I always been this dramatic?"

Paisley laughed at her brother's last comments, giving a more light-hearted feel to the air. The two siblings had always been inseparable, always finding comfort in the other. When Paisley went through a bad time at school years ago, she'd always look forward to getting home and spending time with her brother. She knew he'd always be there for her, and he felt the same. Especially after Phoebe and his split three years ago when his heart shattered and the first and only person he could talk to for days was Paisley.

"Yes, you've always had a certain flair for the dramatics. But it's okay, I love you regardless."

"I just miss how happy we were," Asher commented, swiping at his face to rid it of the stray tears.

"Give it time, good things come to those who wait. If you're meant to be with her then the world will have its way of making it happen."


With some clarity coming from Asher's talk with Paisley this morning, he showed her what he'd been working on. Paisley was both his biggest critic and most loyal supporter. She knew sugar-coating things wouldn't help him, and she wanted him to excel at his art. At the end of the day, she wanted him to do the best he could and Paisley knew when he could do better.

"I was thinking it could fade in like this, and then have this section looped over it subtly," Asher commented whilst he played back a rough recording he'd made the other day. He could tell instantly from her face that she had a suggestion.

"I think it's a nice idea but it doesn't quite work with this song. Personally, I'd say you could have these two bars looped whilst you sing these lyrics. It sounds too busy and chaotic with the other part playing too. This song is about a moment of clarity right?"

Asher gave her a brief nod before Paisley continued on, "Then show that, the chaos of it all isn't helping convince me on your story, no offence."

Playing the recording once more, Asher could see what Paisley was saying and couldn't agree more. She provided him with a fresh pair of eyes and brought clarity to his confusion.

"That works better. You're right, this song is about clarity and what I had just wasn't working. You're so good at this stuff, I should just work with you all the time."

Paisley laughed at the thought of it, "Yeah right."

"No, seriously. You're amazing at this. If it wasn't for you, this song would suck and my boss wouldn't be very pleased with me."

"Well I'm glad I could be of a service," Paisley says as they continued to work on the first of three chart toppers. If he kept working at this rate, then he'd have the songs done with plenty of time to spare.

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