The Sandwich of Ice-Cream

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Chappeter whaun: Scene:The gross lunch room, Fiona's words pierce me like daggers, they all betrayed me, my friends had hurt me with such ferocity had no choice but to run away into the night while weeping oceans. 

Chuper twis: Scene: Filthy lunchroom, i march slowly through the seas of dangerous people unable to eat or keep myself cool. the heat bore down upon me and the savages tore me apart but after many moons of journey  I reached Paridise.

Chippr treeeth Scene: disgusting lunch room: I looked at my saviors the sass fu warrior ass-lee the tough back up the rake and the brains The Newt 

chappedr foiur Scene: repulsive lunch room: we gazed at our omputer the all telling kazoo kid compilotion it ws policy to view it at least once a day when.

chuppier fifrth Scene:repugnent lunch room: Thhe other kids were sassng us and i wanted their icream sandwich after  a gr8 deal of back and foiurth they threw some of it at us 

Chypppppppppuuiruppr sismksth Scene odorous lunch room: TIme stood still it sat there and withou hesitation I TOOK IT AND I PUT IT M MY MOUTH AND ATE IT AND thennn............

chiupuier sexexens Scene unpleaasent lunch room: I was enlightened I saw the whole world laid out b4 me I saw pain suffering greed joy burth death and waffles, it was nirvana

chedder ayyyte Scene uninhabitable lunch room: we all freaked out it was crazy I hade to spread the word but little did I know Id be gitting unother enlightenment soon

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2017 ⏰

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