2. | the ESSENCE of life.

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— Only to be caught tightly by his just a mere inch from the side of his face.

His jaw clenched once more and he cursed underneath his breath. "Chill the fuck out."

My face felt warm with embarrassment and I angrily yanked my hand from his, backing away. "Stay the fuck away from me."

"Yeah? That's what you really want?" he responded, following me closely until I was backed up against the nearest wall.

"Who the fuck do you think I am?" I snapped, leaning off the wall to get into his face.

But what I really wanted to ask was who the fuck did he think he was to me?

"I don't know what type of girls you've been messing with, but you're not impressing or intimidating me." 

"You sure? Your nipples are peakin' through that lace brassiere for me," he bit back, turbulent eyes locked with mine.

He said it almost as if he disapproved of my top, as if he even had a right to and despite my words he was intimidatingly huge. I couldn't see anything past his big ass shoulders and again I felt engulfed in the heat radiating off his body. The tension between us was as thick as the bulge at the front of his jeans and with every breath I took my pussy throbbed, reacting to his scent. I couldn't comprehend my attraction to him, but I sure as hell wasn't about to let him use it against me.

"Don't be fooled by my body's natural reaction," I hissed up back him. "You're full of yourself."

Lust swirled around his turbulent irises and he smirked. "So you admit that I aroused you?"

Glaring at him I pushed at his stone hard chest. "Get out of my way before I ram my knee into your dick."

He quickly seized my hands, forcing them to my sides. "First you're aroused, now you're talkin' about my dick. What're you tryin' to tell me, babe?"

Before I could lift my knee he had me pressed up against the wall with his hard body pinning me in place. My mouth fell open as a small surprised breath left my lips. I could feel his heartbeat as his chest rose and fell against mine.

"Look, chill. I shouldn't have said the shit I did a while ago," he started, head tilted as he looked down at me with softening eyes.

"It just came out. Happens sometimes because I'm a fuckin' idiot. But I don't fuck with the idea of lettin' a girl I know go home in an uber. Let me get you home at least. Please."

His eyes pleaded with mine and I shook my head, confused by how he went from 0-100 back down to 0 so quickly and more importantly, how he acted like I was someone that mattered to him on a personal level. "I've taken Ubers many times. I'll be fine."

"I want to spend more time with you," he stated bluntly.

"I don't think that's a good idea," I responded, breaking our eye contact.

I had already broken my rule of not entertaining /others, and the last thing I wanted to do was throw myself into a complicated web of Romero Moretti.

"'Why?" He asked, pressing his forehead against my temple to whisper into my ear. "Because I can't keep my hands off you, or because you like it?"

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