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—Today i gave up on life.

If you're reading this.

I'm dead.

I killed myself because of you, Jeon Jungkook.

Because you couldn't love me the way i loved you.

Because you hated me.

And i never knew what i did wrong.

Goodbye Jeon Jungkook.


Your #1 dead hater.

The paper was stained with tears.

His tears.

He killed the girl he loved the most.

Because he was stupid.

So, so stupid.

Now he doesn't have any reason to live.

That's how Jeon Jungkook died.

He died because he killed the girl he loved the most.

The End.

Heyyy! I hope you liked this story. This was my first short story and if i'm honest i really liked it😊
This whole book is dedicated to multifandem because she inspires me with her amazing book ( you should read it )
Anyways thank you so much for reading this book, please tell me if yoh liked it in the comments!


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