Part 1

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'tiffany you are gonna be late for school' when I heard her voice I realised I was still laying on my bed apparently I went back to sleep after she woke me up about an hour ago. Now its 6:40.

How am I gonna do this? I really need to be real fast cause I wouldn't want momma yelling at me or telling me I am the reason for her going late to work. I jumped off my bed and dashed to the bathroom. Took a quick shower and ran out damn 6:47. 'Tiffany?' Mum calls again. I quickly dressed up and pressed my blazers apparently I forgot to do that earlier. I cant even find my tie. I am not always like this I mean scattering things around but this was a new beginning of school session. Finally I found it. Had a quick knot and ran down stairs.

6:50am already mum was all dressed and done eating I had to rush in my food while trying to tuck in my cloth. School life sucks. After high school now have to go for college again. Arrgh I just wish I could be left free to do whatever i wanted. You might be thinking I am a very lazy person and nonchalant about education but u are wrong but not too far from the truth though.

Finally we are driving out already. Almost at school its just like a first day of school but technically it Is a first day of school for me. I am not just entering high school. I actually changed school so I am expecting different things entirely... I just hope it turns out well for me today.

Oh my gosh am nervous. Just silent in the car . my mum is still mad at me for wasting her time. My mum happens to be a very principled woman especially when it comes to timing which makes her kind of strict to me because I hardly keep to time. Not that I do it intentionally but just happens.

With a lot of thoughts running through me I hear her voice call me 'tiff sweetie its gonna be okay. Its just a new school nothing much u can make it through. I trust u'. Just a new school? Soo easy for her to say but it actually is more than that for me.

Its a new school agreed, new place, new faces, new teachers, new students, new everybody.then I remembered a friend of mine who moved to this school earlier perhaps we could be friends again. When we were at royals we didn't really talk to each other that much until he moved here. Maybe this will be d perfect way to pick up our friendship. I felt relieved at least i hav a friend there already.

Finally. We are here. Why am I feeling so nervous like kind of scared. Tiff calm down its a school not a zoo. They aren't animals they wont eat u. But technically we are all animals but high classed animals. I got down from the car with mum.

Mum goes in to the principles office and after a while I was called in and later directed to my class. Entering the class, it was kind of noisy with people paired together probably talking about the last summer. I felt somehow I had no one to talk to.did I really have to change school? Just as I was thinking, a voice called out my name and looking back I say henry. Gosh he is so different has been a while since I saw him. Henry dragged me up from d sit i picked and to a group of people which I guess are his friends.

Awkward they are all boys so apparently, my first set of friends in this school are boys. Good for me though.. Henry introduced me to his friends. 'Caleb, Angelo, christian, and Austin this is Tiffany my girl friend' and he started laughing I wasn't surprised because I knew it was one of his trying to be funny. 'hey henry don't think about that she's mine' said Austin but all the while they were all fooling around I was stylishly staring at christian.

Taking in his features.... He was soo good looking and hot. Tall and sexy with blue eyes just like mine. His hair in a wavy type of style. He looked like a bad boy but I didn't really care at this moment, all I wanted was christian.

First bell rang which meant the first classes had to start. I got a seat and there was this beautiful girl beside me and i felt making friends with her won't be a bad idea after all.

I thought of what I could use to begin a conversation with her. And concluded on asking her for information about classes today. 'hi am Tiffany.'

'hello how far are you enjoying the school?'

' going well... Just trying to make friends which is seeming kind of impossible with the girls and perfectly possible with the boys. Just saying.. So what's your name by the way?'

'well am Valentina but you can call me val and you?'

'am tiffany but u can also call me tiff'.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2017 ⏰

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