
588 32 4

lmao my math teacher sucks but i suddenly love her


when it's three am

i read my old diaries

to fall back asleep.

you know what i found?

a picture of you and me

together, smiling

i felt so happy,

and ended up smiling too

and it was the first time

i smiled since you left.


when it's three am

i sometimes write.

i write long paragraphs

dedicated to you.

but i end of deleting them

because of course

mnet confiscates phones.

i heard you got 31 votes 

for your sorry sorry performance.

what a pity.

i wanted you to chase your dreams

so i spent hours 

searching for how to vote

maybe it'll be less painful;

because i won't 

have to

see you







this short story/poetry will be completed by the end of next week !!

and i'm planning on writing my park jihoon ff c':


three am | kang danielWhere stories live. Discover now