2 - What is your Zodiac's Biggest Flaw?

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Aries - Hot tempered or provoked easily, plus competitive and stresses too much.

Taurus - Stubborn and prideful, sometimes being lazy.

Gemini - Extremely self conscious and hard to keep long relationships, also unpredictable.

Cancer - Very emotional and troubled.

Leo - Careless at times and narcissistic.

Virgo - Unsociable and at some times boastful and overly proud. 

Libra - Indecisive and unwilling to do things. 

Scorpio - Snotty and paranoid.

Sagittarius- Unsymapthetic/ lacking empathy at points.

Capricorn - Stubborn and antisocial.

Aquarius - Shy and unwilling to perform in front of large or small audiences. Can be tempered when forced.

Pisces - A pushover when it comes to friends or large groups of people.

Did I get this right? Remember that I am not psychic friend. Tell me what you act like below and your Zodiac.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2017 ⏰

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