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It was about three in the morning and I was deep in a dark forest. There was a small rundown abandoned shed with moss, ivy and different plants growing on the outter walls.

I walked up to the old door and knocked loudly. A man, well not a man, a vampire opened the door. He had a tiny spot of blood just below his nose.

I smirked. "You got a little somethin' there Oscar." I told him pointing on my own face where the blood was. Oscar rolled his eyes and whipped the blood off with his thumb.

"Get in here. I'm hiding from hunters if u can't tell." He said gesturing to the shitty shed he was in.

I smirked and walked in. Oscar closed the door behind me. I saw a table with food and what looked like wine as soon as I walked in.

Oscar gestured for me to sit down and I did so. He sat across from me and started drinking his, what I realized to be, blood.

I ignored the food and went freight for what I thought was alcohol.

I took a huge gulp but didn't recognize the taste. "What the hell is this?" I asked. Oscar just smirked. "Its what your going to deliver to me." He said in a low, dark voice.

I instantly got it. He gave me blood. The strange thing was. I liked it. A lot. "What do I get in return?" I asked him.

"What could a vampire on the run from the Winchesters give a demon?" Oscar asked sarcastically.

"The Winchesters are after you?! What the hell. No. I'm not getting screwed up in a mess with Sam and Dean Winchester!" I yelled.

Oscar chuckled clearly amused by my reaction. "Oh mind your blood pressure. You'll get me the blood. And when the Winchesters realize something else is up, I'll help you out." Oscar explained.

I shook my head and took another gulp of the blood. "No. I want some instant results." I said taking yet another drink.

"Well h seem to be enjoying the blood. Why don't I give you some of what you get for me and we'll call it even." Oscar tried to reason.

I sighed. It was a weird and fucked up deal for sure, but I had to admit. I wanted more blood. One wine glass full and I was already wanting more.

"Deal.." I said through gritted teeth.

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