Chapter 1: Merida

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Its dark, I feel dread and fear. As I heard the click and snap of a fallen branch in the distance, I panicked and turned to run. I turned to see two large bright green eyes as I began to hear a low snarlng growl. I ran, ran as fast as I could. I did not know where to run but knew that I must get somewhere safe.

I ran through the large darkness of a forest, unable to see where I was going. I then tripped over a fallen branch and fell to the ground as a pain rose from within my ankle. I quickly lied back and tried to remain silent as my heart began to beat faster and louder. Couldn't even hold back as I began breathing very heavily. I heard a noise and truned my head.

As I truned my head I screamed in horror as a large dark silhouette of a wolf-like man leapt toward me with his razor sharp teeth. I awoke in a pour of cold sweat. Was I going Crazy? I kept telling myself that it was just a dream. But, everything in it felt so...real.

I looked at my clock to see that it was five o'clock. I got myself out of bed knowing that the alarm was about to go off anyway. I stood and stumbled as I made my way to the closet. I quickly grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, a pink t-shirt with a v neckline, and made my way over to grab a set of undergarments as I headed to bathroom. I entered the bathroom and proceeded to turn the bath water to the correct temperature.

I stepped out from the shower and proceeded to dry myself off as I gazed into the mirror. "Whew," I thought to myself as I gazed into the mirror to see a young slim girl of average height with bright blue eyes and locks of raven black, "Now what?" I hope I don't get anymore surprises, I've already had enough for one day. "Breakfast is ready," a voice called from below. "Coming Aunt Maria," I called back to her."

I quickly slipped into my clothes and hurried downstairs as I made my way to the kitchen. I sat down at the kitchen bar as Aunt Maria sat down a plate of bacon and buttered blueberry pancakes. "Hmm, my favorite," I said. "And how are you feeling today love," asked Aunt Maria. "I feel a little better, although I do have aching bones and feel mentally drained," I said, "But, I do have quite an appetite."

"I say you do," said Aunt Maria as she stepped toward the table with a plate of stacked pancakes and bacon, "By the way, any seconds love." "You read my mind," I said with a smile. "So, do you have any plans for today love," asked Aunt Maria. "Going to train in the forest and head on over to Zoe's to meet up with her and Chelsey," I said, "Supposedly we are going out for my eighteenth birthday." "Well," said Aunt Maria, "Since this is your big day, you should just head on over there with the girls and skip the training for today love."

"What about Uncle Al," I asked. "Oh, he'll be find dear," said Aunt Maria, "Just run along now love, I'm sure your uncle will understand." "Ok Aunt Maria," I said as I finished up breakfast and stepped toward the door. As I stepped toward the door, I was suddenly interrupted by my aunt who was holding a small gift box. "It's from your parents love," said Aunt Maria as she handed me the small gift.

I opened the small box to find a small locket shaped like the head of a wolf with tiny glowing green eyes of emeralds. I opened the locket to find two small portraits of my parents. As I sat there gazing over the pictures of my parents, I began to feel a warm feeling from within my heart as tears slowly fell from my eyes. "Thank you," I said to my aunt as I gave her a hug and left the house through the door. I set my course to Zoe's house.

As I walked through the trail within the forest between my house and Zoe's, I began to think to myself that it was strange for my aunt to ask me to skip my daily training. Must be a full moon tonight, cause that is the only time which she asked for me to skip. During my years in school my aunt would ask me to skip training on the day of a full moon do to her feeling wary of the wolves who inhabited a nearby area in the forest. I myself was unknown of this wolf pack. "I guess it's just an old habit," I thought to myself as I giggled, "I'll just train tomorrow then."

"Hey, Merida," a voice called from afar. I looked up to see my friends Zoe and Chelsey standing outside Zoe's house as they waved their hands in the air. Zoe is a slim girl of short stature with short black hair and orange eyes with brown rings. Chelsey is a tall super slim girl with long blonde hair with dark brown tips and eyes of average bright blue. As I made my way to the others I changed my speed to a sprint and leapt between them as I held out my arms, knocking them down as I fell.

We all lied there giggling as we gazed amongst the clouds. "Well ladies," said Zoe as we all raised ourselves from the ground, "My parents are gone for the night so I say it's time to get this party started." Me and the others stepped into the house and began our preparation's for the evening party. We swept the floors, moved furniture, and set the solo cups and snacks for the evening. "Don't forget the fire," said Chelsey as we set the cups.

"Fire," I asked a little confused. "Can't have a party without a little of something strong," said Chelsey as she pulled out a bottle of Jim, "Ladies, we're in for one hell of a night." We spent the rest of the day chatting about old times and the best moments we've had together. Later that evening more people began to arrive to join the party. The house became so crowded with friends and people from our school that we barely had room to breathe.

"Hey Merida," called Chelsey from the kitchen, "Come here birthday girl." "Come have a few shots with us," called Zoe. I entered the kitchen as Chelsey handed me a shot of vodka and a chaser. I gulped down the drinks as Chelsey handed me more and more. Finally after about five shots, I told her that I had enough and that I needed some fresh air.

I made my way through the crowd and toward the door to the front yard. I stood in the yard and raised my head to gaze upon the bright full moon. As I stared into the moonlight my skin began to feel warm and my bones began to ache. "I think I've had a few more to drink than I needed," I thought to myself as I held my arms against my gut. I looked toward the forest to see a pair of bright golden yellow eyes.

"Hey," I shouted as a large dark silhouette ran through the forest. "Creep," I said thinking that it must have just been some drunk pervert spying on me from the shadows of the trees. "Need to get home," I thought to myself as I began to walk toward the trail leading to my house, "I'm not feeling so well." As I walked through the forest, the pain I felt began to rise and I began to hear a loud rustling of leaves and the crackling of falling branches as I fell to my knees. My vision became clouded and blurred as everything began to fade to darkness.

"Get her," came a voice from behind, "Hurry, now!" "We must take her back to camp," came another voice, "She's turning." I began to fall to the ground as I felt two pairs of hands grab my arms to lift me up. I was carried away as I closed my eyes and lost consciousness.


Hope that you like my first chapter this is my first book so bare with me okay.  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2017 ⏰

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