chapter 1

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yoojung was getting tired of this.

these nights she spent wandering around the house, trying to find something to do out of boredom. the nights she spent getting calls from jungkook saying he wouldn't be able to make it home, and that he had to stay after work.

yoojung noticed the purple marks on his chest and neck though. she noticed the disorganization of her makeup from where her husband had tried to cover them up with her concealer. yoojung noticed his disinterest in her nowadays, and it was something she dwelled on everyday. it was something she almost hated herself for.

where had she gone wrong?

yoojung sighed and gave up, sitting herself on the piano bench that sat perfectly in front of the big window that covered an entire wall in her and her husband's living room.

her husband.

was she supposed to call him that anymore?

she sat criss-crossed on the bench, watching as the small but identifiable cars sped past the skyscrapers. yoojungs mind went blank as she focused on the city before her. she let herself relax in those few moment, her thoughts drifting away from her.

but in a matter of seconds, yoojung tensed back up at the though of her spouse. her eyes searched the city as her mind wandered.

where are you now?

yoojung's eyes scanned over the city, her eyes resting on a certain place. the place her whole life began. the place she met jungkook. the place were jungkook proposed. the place where she felt at home.

she forced herself to take her eyes off the small pathway, and towards the sound of jingling keys outside of her front door. she quickly ran to the front door, prepared to take her husband's briefcase and blazer.

her heart faltered at the sight of him, his eyes hazy, his hair messy, his suit unflattering... his appearance exhausting.

yoojung smiled none the less, wrapping her arms around the tall man in front of her, taking in the scent of another womens perfume. her eyes watered but she held it back as he rested his cheek on top of her head.

she felt wrong.

jungkook hummed. "i missed you."

no you didn't.

yoojung nodded, fisting jungkooks white shirt in her hands. "i missed you too. i made you dinner."

yoojung pulled away slightly, looking up at the taller. "theres soft tofu soup and kimchi in tupperware in the fridge. there also should be pork belly."

jungkook smiled, cupping yoojungs face in her hands. "thank you dear."

jungkook leaned down and kissed yoojung's lips quickly, the smaller's mood faltering as he didn't even look at her after, just turning to walk into the kitchen.

"you're welcome." she mumbled, folding her hands behind her back before following him.

yoojung admired jungkook's muscular back, the way that when he arms moved his shirt would move as well, showing his muscles through the thin material. for a minute, her heart raced at his tan skin and his toned body. all mine, she thought. how'd i get so-

as yoojung's eyes followed up his back, her heart stopped at the few lines peaking up over his collar. are those-


the young girl hadn't let the fact that jungkook doesnt want her anymore until now. of course she felt terrible about it, but now she felt worse. she felt like she had been lied to her whole relationship, that jungkook was just toying with her the whole time.

yoojungs chest tightened at the sight, her stomach churning in a way that made her want to hunch over in pain.

he doesn't love me anymore.

dont cry, yoojung. do you want him to leave you?

yoojung's eyes watered as she mentally agreed, her presence suddenly feeling foreign in the familiar home the two walked upon.

"h-" yoojung started, contemplating on whether or not she really wanted to start this. at this point, yoojung wanted jungkook to leave her, she wanted him to pack up his stuff and go and live with the girl who obviously makes him happier. yoojung wanted him to break her heart as he slammed the front door, leaving her and all their memories behind.

"how could you?"

jungkook looked over momentarily before turning all the way around, his face showing a lazy concerned expression. yoojung suddenly didn't feel the joy she used to when his eyes met hers. in fact, she felt herself cringe in disgust as he scanned her crying figure.

but even then, as yoojung let out a cry, jungkook stood where he was. jungkook's heart was starting to beat a million miles a minute, his hands starting to feel shaky.

"you know what i'm talking about, jungkook."

jungkook froze. he didn't want it to happen like this.

yoojung coulnt hold it in anymore as she grabbed his blazer from beside her throwing it at him in anger.

"how could you?!"

she continued to grab a shoe, throwing it in the direction of the boy. she finally picked up a glass jar, throwing at the boy. the jar hit the boy before shattering on the ground, the glass shattering in all directions.

just like yoojungs heart. jungkook's eyes had started to get teary now, seeing the small girl hurting like this.

it wad silent, the only thing being heard is yoojungs cries and jungkook's small sniffles.

"p-please-" yoojung whispered. "tell me you don't love me anymore."

jungkook stood for a minute, letting it all sink in. the love of his life, his soulmate, his babygirl, his wife, was asking him to confesss his lost feelings for her. jungkook shook in fear.

yoojung, on the other hand, started crying again as she walked upstairs to the guest room, not wanting to see jungkook leave.

yoojung was surprised to her more glass breaking, along with a sob from downstairs. yoojung just blocked it out though, putting her hands to her ears as the crying continued.

he doesn't mean it, he doesn't mean it, he doesn't mean it... she whispered to herself.

he's just gonna hurt you.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 22, 2017 ⏰

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