Wish #6

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Wish #6

I was sitting in my period 2 class waiting for my science teacher to finish the lesson about electrons and protons when one of the guys in my class whom is rather hairy said a unnecessary comment involving moi.

"Why is she so quiet and weird?" He whispered to one of his friends. Of course when guys whisper it's louder than a bomb. Everyone could hear and they all turned to me to see what snarky comment I'd hit back at him. Even the teacher turned to me in wonder.

Instead of doing what would usually happen where I would reply with a rude comment back at him and the class would go "Ohhhh" and one of the stupid guys would go "shots fired!" I instead just started to lightly chuckle. Everyone looked at me if I was crazy as I continued to laugh to myself.

"Why are you laughing?" A girl besides the guy asked.

"Because I don't care what you people think of me, call me whatever you want, call me a whore, slut anything but I won't care. Instead ill be smiling because that means I was on your mind; my name somehow had taken control of your entire mind.

Isn't it wonderful? that I can take over someone's mind just by how they like or dislike me? Call me anything you want but I will never care your opinion means nothing to me, I know every kid wants to expression their opinions these days but I don't give a rats ass about your."

Just as I finished the clock turned to 11:55 the period was over, everyone was still speechless at what I'd said. Truthfully that was the most words I'd said to all of them. They sat their amazed and shocked as I grabbed my books. Getting up I walked to the door holding my head high. I turned our to my classmates still sitting down and smiled innocently at them.

"Oh by the way, I've suffered far worst than a couple of names. You aren't even on the level I've had to go through. How about you learn what a person has gone through before calling them names. Because even a name can break someone."

Just like that I walked out the door, slowly. Heading to my 3rd period class.

And that was how I stood up to a bully and showed them who's boss.

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