Touch the Sky, Pt. 1

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"Tell your woes to your saddle; bow and ride away singing."
—Bazy Tankersley

    Arms cradled comfortably behind his head, Kogami sat slumped back in the passenger seat of a PSB official car.  After nearly an hour on the road, he had dozed off while taking in the beautiful scenery of Mt. Fuji and the surrounding countryside.  The car abruptly hit a bump in the road, jarring him from slumber and aggravating a recently cracked rib.  He winced, gritting his teeth against the pain, and sat up straight to relieve the soreness of the injury.

    "I'm really sorry about this, Mr. Kogami," Akane said.  Hands in her lap, she gave him a pained expression, as if symbiotically sharing his discomfort.  "I wouldn't have pulled you out of the medical bay if the situation didn't warrant it."

    "It's alright.  Shion signed off on it."  He leaned his head against his hand, propping his elbow against the window.  "If I puncture a lung while out in the field, Ginoza will blame her."

    "That's not what I mean."

    "I know.  Just glad you sprung me.  I was starting to get a little cabin fever."  He glanced over at her.  "There were three other Enforcers to chose from, you know?  Why not one of them?"

    "I needed someone with presence."

    "What?  Kagari doesn't have enough attitude for you?"

     "It's not at all like that!"  She blushed, considering that her words had brought an offense.  "The situation is serious and requires a bit of brash and diplomacy, mostly diplomacy."

    "Speak softly but carry a big stick."  Kogami laughed.  "I get it.  What's the emergency?"

    "Not an emergency," she replied, "well, not really.  Chief Kasei wants me to talk to the CEO of Kurosawa Industries and get him to fully cooperate with an MWPSB investigation probe."

    "Kurosawa Industries?  Owned by Mr. Masahiro Kurosawa?  That Kurosawa Industries?"

    "Twin brother to Mr. Masahuru Kurosawa, the Secretary of the Ministry of Economy?  Yes."

    "Thought Ginoza had that wrapped up and in the bag."

    "Inspector Ginoza quickly wore out his welcome and was escorted off the premises by an armed security team.  Guess he pressed Mr. Kurosawa a bit too hard and paid the consequence for it."

    "That's Ginoza."

     "Chief Kasei got the call from Secretary Kurosawa to close the case, but she's not ready to leave it unsolved."

    "So she's sending you in to give it one last shot."

    Akane's eyes went dark, pensive in thought.  "Her orders were very explicit.  She even suggested that I bring an Enforcer."

    "Is she looking to intimidate Kurosawa?  One Enforcer against a security team?"  He shrugged and sat back in the chair.  "I'd be intimidated, if it were me."

    Akane laughed, despite the enormity of the task before her.  "It's that very confidence that I love about you, Enforcer Kogami."  She deactivated the automated navigation system and took manual control of the car.  "We're here.  This is Mr. Kurosawa's personal estate."  She peered through the windshield taking in the sprawling landscape.  "Looks like he has company."

    "I'll say."  Kogami stared through the window at row upon row of heavy duty trucks, semi-trucks with long vans, and assorted horse trailers neatly parked in an enormous pasture of green grass.  "Looks like some sort of competition."

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