Hounted dolls

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"Eva- Something fun happened last night

I had a BOOTIFUL dream

Ava- omg tell

Eva- So I was staying at a big cabin house for a few nights with someone who was apparently my daughter and my room just so happens to be filled with haunted dolls including Annabelle

Now here's the fun part

So Annabelle fallows me everywhere and this is part where the dream becomes a lucid dream and I take over

I literally grabbed Annabelle and literally tore off all her limbs and dumped holly water on her

And threw her in the trash then woke up


It's sounds terrifying and hilarious at the same time

Eva- It kinda was bc I was scared during the dream but I just did what u need to do when dealing with hounded dolls XD

Ava- Lmao yas Queen 😆"

-Evava 2017

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